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UI Received a Visit from North Korea Delegation

Kunjungan Delegasi Korea UtaraUniversitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Delegation of North Korea Government, University of British Columbia and Kim Il Sung University related to the possibility of lecturer and student exchange cooperation, at Ruang Rapat A, PAU UI Building, Depok. Presented as UI Leaders representative, Dr. Hamid Chalid, S.H., LL.M (Vice Rector of Human Resource, Development and Cooperation), accompanied by Melda Kamil Ariadno, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D. (Head of International Office), and Dr. Ir. Dodi Sudiana, M.Eng. (Director of Cooperation).

The meeting was a return visit of UI Lecturer visit at North Korea on North Korea National Economy Seminar in 2013. In this meeting, North Korea Delegation also asked UI to revisit or do cultural cooperation to North Korea for subsequent years.

The visit of Delegation of North Korea Government and Kim Il Sung University was done in order to probe cooperation possibility with faculties at UI, especially with Faculty of Economy and Business (FEB UI).  In order to accomplish the goal, The Delegation of North Korea also did Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with FEB UI on the same day.

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