Among the thousands of participants who took the 2024 Computer-Based Test-Selection (UTBK-SNBT) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI), there were 120 disabled participants: 10 blind participants, 109 disabled participants, and 1 blind and disabled participant. The total number of participants with disabilities who took the UTBK-SNBT exam at UI this time experienced a significant increase from the previous year, which amounted to 77 people. Especially this morning (Thursday, 2/5), the implementation of UTBK for participants with visual impairments was carried out in the 3rd session at Lab 1105 Fasilkom, Gd. Lama, UI Depok Campus.
Head of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau, Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Si. said that UI has prepared various special facilities for participants with disabilities, especially for blind participants. “Still the same as the previous year, UI has provided Non Visual Desktop Access (NVDA) application which is a software or reader application that helps blind participants to use computers and listen to exam questions,” Amelita said.
She added, there is a slight difference in the NVDA application compared to previous years, namely the display of exam questions is no longer displayed on the computer screen. In addition, during the exam, participants with visual impairments were also given headsets and reglets, which are writing tools for the disabled.
Meanwhile, in the exam room there is one assistant and one room technician who are ready to help participants with visual impairments if they experience problems during the process. They will also provide assistance to participants with visual impairments if they have a need to leave the room, such as going to the toilet or needing health facilities. Before the participants finished their exams, the officers were seen preparing outside the room to accompany the participants with disabilities to the exit and meet their waiting families.
This was also felt by one of the blind participants who attended the UTBK exam this morning, namely Makhsun Intikhon from SLB-A Pembina Tingkat Nasional (SLB-A PTN) Jakarta. He admitted that this was his second year taking the UTBK exam at UI. He felt very helped by the assistants, officers, and other facilities provided by UI.
“I am grateful, even though the exam questions were difficult, especially Math and English, but I was able to do it smoothly. In addition to supporting facilities, the officers here are also swift to help me,” said Makhsun.
Long before the implementation of UTBK 2024 took place, Makhsun had made various preparations, one of which was by buying a question exercise book. Through the book, which his mother helped him read, he learned to understand the questions and practiced answering the questions. From this activity, he can measure his ability and evaluate, especially on questions that are still difficult for him to answer.
Apart from books, Makhsun also learns through the internet. According to him, listening to explanations from various learning videos can help him to better understand material and answer exam questions.
Despite having limited vision since childhood, this does not prevent Makhsun from continuing to study and achieve his goals. “I just want to say a few words to all my friends, especially people with disabilities, who may currently be struggling to continue their education or who are currently undergoing education, keep their spirits up and always be optimistic. Never give up and get tired of studying, keep working,” Makhsun said.