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15 Student Organisations and Alumni Deliver 2700 Aid Packages

A total of 15 student organisations in the University of Indonesia (UI) along with the Association of Alumni, Universitas Indonesia (ILUNI UI) distributed 2700 packages containing basic goods in a span of two days. On Saturday (23/4), they distributed packages to residents of Beji Timur, Aula Pemkot Depok, and SDN Beji 2 Depok. On Sunday (24/4), class 1 and 2 outsourcing employees, composed mainly of the caretaker service, were the recipients of those packages. The distribution of packages was performed as a gesture of solidarity and service towards residents living around the campus.

The fifteen organisations involved in the distribution of packages this year are: UI Executive Student Committee, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UI Executive Student Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy UI Executive Student Committee, Faculty of Medicine UI Executive Student Committee, Faculty of Computer Studies UI Executive Student Committee, Vocational Programme UI Executive Student Committee, the Faculty of Humanities UI Executive Student Committee, the Faculty of Dentistry UI Executive Student Committee, the Faculty of Nursing UI Executive Student Committee, the Faculty of Law UI Executive Student Committee, Salam UI, Sekar Widya Makara UI, and the Universitas Indonesia Achievement Community (UIAC),

with the active support of the Association of Alumni, Faculty of Economy and Business UI, the Association of Alumni, Faculty of Humanities UI, and the Association of Alumni, Faculty of Psychology UI. The Association of Alumni received donations of packages from UI’s very own Hospital (RSUI), Kitabisa, Dentons HPRP, and SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultants. Routinely held each year, this year’s package donation has seen a significant increase from the amount received last year. A representative from ILUNI UI, M. Try Sutrisno Gaus, appreciated the enthusiasm displayed by UI students carrying out the distribution. He claimed that the whole act could not have run well without support from, and the zeal displayed by various parties involved

The packages contained rice, cooking oil, sugar, flour, soy sauce, and other basic commodities. Health protocols were among the things prioritised by the team: scores of students may be seen distributing the packages wearing maskers, maintaining distance from each other, and constantly washing their hands. Distribution was conducted separately to discourage the formation of crowds. Distribution of goods to UI employees was conducted inside Balairung, UI’s chief conference hall, while those aimed for the public were conducted at select distribution points.

The Chief of ILUNI UI, Andre Rahadian, stated that this action was an effort to alleviate the economic conditions of communities affected by economic stagnation since the outbreak of Covid-19. Basic needs constantly see a rise during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, making the distribution of aid packages an effective alternative to alleviate basic needs of communities. Furthermore, this action is a form of community service, the third component of Tri Dharma: three basic duties assigned to institutes of higher education all over Indonesia, viz. Education, Research, and Community Service.

UI and ILUNI’s aid distribution programmes support progress towards three of the 17 SDGs set by the UN, namely No Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Good Health and Well-Being. The Director of the Development of Graduate Careers and Alumni Relations (DPKHA UI), Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, M.Sc., Ph.D., lauds the programme. “DPKHA is ready to support UI’s alumni by facilitating and collaborating with various wide-ranging, socio-humanitarian programmes. The bonds of amity and kinship between alumni and UI shouldn’t falter; this should instead be made use to perform many acts of kindness,” said he.

The inauguration of the distribution, held in Balairung UI, was also attended by the Secretary General of ILUNI UI, Bachtiar Firdaus; the representative of Dirmawa UI, Ahmad Solechan; and representatives from Alumni Associations from each faculty. The inauguration saw the symbolic distribution of packages to 3 residents of areas surrounding UI dan 4 employees of the caretaker service UI by the team, represented by Andre Rahadian, Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, Bachtiar Firdaus, and alumni of several faculties present at the event.

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