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2.215 SIMAK UI Survivors are Ready to Become Part of UI’s Academic Society

Depok, July 18th 2023. From a total of 33.440 people that took the Universitas Indonesia independent entrance exam, also known as SIMAK UI, for Undergraduate and Vocational Program, UI announced that there were 2.125 people who passed the test and became the prospective new students of Universitas Indonesia. The result of this test was announced online on Tuesday (18/7) at 4 PM Western Indonesian Time (WIB or GMT+7) through SIMAK UI examinees need to input their test registration number in order to see the announcement.

The prospective new students consist of 599 students of Regular Undergraduate Program (S1), 1.218 students of Non-Regular Undergraduate Program (S1), 192 of Associate Degree Vocational Program, and 116 students of Applied Degree Vocational Program. From all the prospective new students of Regular Undergraduate Program, there were 93 students who hold the Kartu Indonesia Pintar (KIP) Kuliah. From this admission path, the departments that accepted the most applicants were Information System Department for Non-Regular Undergraduate Program, Business Administration Department for Non-Regular Undergraduate Program, and Public Relations for Associate Degree Program.

The prospective new students that have gotten their Student Number (Nomor Pokok Mahasiwa or NPM) are required to do Pre-Registration on July 18th-26th 2023 through For those who are unable to complete their documents and thus not finishing their Pre-Registration process, they are not allowed to proceed to the next step of registration.

Based on the data and evaluation result of the prospective new regular students’ ability to pay tuition fee, UI implemented a policy to decide their tuition fee (Uang Kuliah Tunggal or UKT) fairly. The prospective new regular students are required to fill in their data and upload the necessary documents in accordance to the UKT Information System site on starting from July 19th until July 24th 2023. Meanwhile, KIP-K holders still have to go through the Evaluation process and UKT Determination process as a part of KIP-K UI selection process.

After finishing the Pre-Registration process, the prospective new students can start paying their tuition fee from July 20th 2023 to July 28th 2023. Refunds are strictly not possible for prospective new students that withdraw and had paid their tuition fee. Moreover, the fee that has been paid cannot be allocated for other students and/or other degree/program/admission path.

Prospective new students that have finished the steps above will be automatically enrolled as new students of UI. The username and password of their SSO UI account for Academic Registration will be sent to their email based on the data they filled in the Pre-Registration process. If there is any problems or inquiries about the registration process, prospective new students can come to the Integrated Services Center on the ground floor of Integrated Student Services Center Building, UI campus area, Depok, on Monday – Friday from 08.00 – 16.00 WIB. They can also send their question(s) through WhatsApp (0815-1500-0002), email (, and phone (021 1500-002).  

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