To practice and maintain the value of Pancasila in the modern era, special efforts are needed. Tradition Practitioner in Social Media Kensita Rama Ningsih has a unique and distinctive way of doing this. By utilizing social media, Kensinta educates Indonesians through Tiktok content. This method is considered effective considering the development and advancement of technology...Read More
His name has been the center of attention on the national stage thanks to his achievements as a roller skater athlete who won many awards. He managed to combine achievements from outside the campus and from the academic world. Barijani Mahesa Putra, a student of Public Relations Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI)...Read More
Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment of Universitas Indonesia (DPPM UI) held a coordination meeting with the local government that are the target for community service destinations, on Friday (22/7). This coordination event through Zoom Meeting provides an opportunity for UI Service Providers to interact directly with the local government. Director of DPPM UI Agung...Read More