Depok, May 26th 2023. The Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia (FFUI) collaborated with the Republic of Indonesia Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM RI) and the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) Japan to hold the “ASEAN–Japan Risk Management Plan (RMP) Symposium and Seminar 2023”, on 24th–26th of May 2023, at the Ayana Midplaza Grand...Read More
Depok, May 27th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) is participating in the international exhibition “The 75th NAFSA Annual Conference & Expo” which will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, DC, on 30th of May–2nd of June 2023. This event is the largest international higher education exhibition and conference attended by hundreds of...Read More
The demand for professional nurses continues to increase. Several factors have triggered the increase in the need for nurses, including the high awareness of the global community for health and a healthy lifestyle. Responding to this challenge, the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia (FIK UI) continues to make various efforts to produce competent and professional...Read More
Depok, May 28th 2023. UIopendays is an annual event at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) which aims to provide information regarding educational programs at UI. This activity, which has been carried out since 2013, has presented 14 faculties, 1 vocational education program and 2 interdisciplinary schools. Taking place at the Balairung for the open booth and...Read More
Depok, August 23rd 2023. Firestopping is a form of passive fire protection system used to close gaps around openings and seepages between joints in walls or floors that are designed to be fire resistant and prevent the spread of smoke. Firestopping is also an effort that is proven through testing to maintain the level of...Read More
Wednesday, August 23rd 2023. Iman Abdullah, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Indonesia (UI), succeeded in obtaining research grant funding support Palm Oil Year 2023 for the bioenergy sector, organized by the Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS). He obtained it after first...Read More
Depok, August 24th 2023. Four Universitas Indonesia (UI) students from the Department of Fiscal Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) who joined the Scientific Article Student Creativity Program Team (PKM AI) received Student Creativity Program (PKM) Incentives from Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in 2023. This incentive was given for the research...Read More
Jakarta, August 19th 2023. Prof. Dr. dr. Junita Indarti, Sp.OG(K) was inaugurated as Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine (FK), Universitas Indonesia (UI), after delivering her scientific oration entitled “The Scientific Role of Social Obstetrics and Gynecology on Cervical Cancer Screening Coverage in Era of Health Transformation in Indonesia”. The inauguration procession, which...Read More
Jakarta, August 21st 2023. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, which is found in many chemical compounds. Hydrogen has now been included in the draft update of the National Energy Policy (KEN). One of the uses of hydrogen that is included in the energy transition scenario in Indonesia is for fuel for...Read More
Depok, August 23rd 2023. If you have the opportunity to visit Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok Campus, West Java, then the sight that catches your eye is the purple mode of transportation. As a campus with vast area – the UI campus area in Depok reaches 320 hectares –, of course, UI Depok Campus requires various...Read More