Depok, August 22nd 2023. In commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Directorate and Community Empowerment (DPPM) held community service activities in the State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan on August 17th-18th of 2023. The activity entitled “UI’s Role in the Development of IKN in...Read More
Depok, August 21st, 2023. Digital technology and the emergence of social media have brought major changes to the human way of life, including in communication behavior that shows identity work. According to Rony Agustino Siahaan, a student in the Doctoral Program in Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Indonesia (UI), the...Read More
Jakarta, August 21st 2023. Muslim identity is expressed in various ways in Indonesia. This expression describes two forms of Islamic orientation in Indonesia, namely Cultural Islam and Political Islam. Cultural Islam is a Muslim orientation that aims to strengthen identity through freedom of worship, the use of the headscarf, Islamic education, and the promotion of...Read More
Jakarta, August 21st, 2023. Zeinab Abbaci, a student at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) class of 2021 made Indonesia proud thanks to her achievement as the first winner in the ASEAN Youth Speech Contest competition. The innovative idea she conveyed in the speech was the creation of a cultural exhibition using Virtual...Read More
Jakarta, August 19th 2023. Prof. Dr. dr. Nur Rasyid, SpU(K) was appointed as Professor in the Field of Urology at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) in the IMERI Hall, UI Campus, Salemba, this morning (Saturday, 19/8). Rector of Universitas Indonesia, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., directly led this inauguration procession and...Read More
Depok, August 25th, 2023. Lecturers and teaching staff (tendik) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a reduction in train ticket fares from PT Kereta Api Indonesia, Persero (PT KAI), namely a 10 percent discount for long-distance and medium-distance train tickets with executive, business, and economy classes. The ticket reduction is valid until July 2024, for...Read More
Depok, August 25th 2023. According to the report of the Indonesian Ministry of Health at the 2023 World No-Tobacco Day (HTT) press conference, the number of smokers in Indonesia increased during 2013 to 2019, especially at the age of children and adolescents, which was more than 2%. Other data from the 2022 National Socioeconomic Survey...Read More
Depok, August 24th 2023. Indonesia has a high biodiversity wealth, which makes it known as a mega diversity country. Biodiversity refers to the variation in living resources at the ecosystem, species and genetic levels. This biodiversity wealth is maintained through a variety of natural landscapes that function as natural habitats for biodiversity. However, recent climate...Read More
Depok, August 22nd, 2023. One of the efforts to support an entrepreneurial university, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has made the entrepreneurship program one of the focuses in improving the quality of graduates. The goal is to be able to obtain or create decent work. This effort is realized through Universitas Indonesia’s Wirausaha Merdeka (WMK) Wira-Cipta entrepreneurial...Read More
Depok, August 25th 2023. Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) Universitas Indonesia (UI) student team won first place in the Ria Statistics and Data Science Festival (Satria Data) 2023 competition organized by the National Achievement Center, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek RI) in Malang on August 20th-24th 2023....Read More