Depok (ANTARA) – The Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) is actively holding various activities and spreading the teachings of Rahmatan Lil Alamin Islam by providing UI students with the first lecture on the value of religious moderation. Chief Executive of the Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque KH. Achmad Solechan, M. Si. at the UI...Read More
Dr. Lukmanda Evan Lubis, M.Si., a lecturer in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) and a researcher in the field of Medical Physics, won the international award The P.N. Krishnamurthy Memorial Young Achiever Award 2023 from Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP). This award was...Read More
Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Faculty of Medicine, has created two new innovations, namely the C-Clamp Modified Pelvic Fixation Device and the Periarticular External Fixation Device. The creation of these two medical devices was motivated by trauma, which is the third highest cause of death in all age groups in the world. Pelvic fracture is...Read More
Depok, September 25th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Makara Art Center (MAC) provided education to the community in Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, about food security. This time, education was provided not through outreach or counseling, but through wayang performances. Apart from entertaining the public, choosing art as an educational medium is also...Read More
One of the admission paths for the Bachelor’s program at the Universitas Indonesia in 2023 is through the Test-Based Written Examination for National Test-Based Selection (UTBK SNBT). SNBT is implemented by each State University under the coordination of the National Selection Team for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) which is the only organizer of standardized university...Read More
Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Kumoh National Institute of Technology (KIT), South Korea, are exploring educational and research collaboration in the field of industrial technology. Discussions regarding the potential for cooperation were held on Monday (18/9), in the Meeting Room, University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus. In her remarks, the Secretary of UI University,...Read More
Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Xiamen University, China, on Tuesday (19/09). The arrival of the President of Xiamen University, Prof. Zhang Zongyi and his entourage at the University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus were welcomed directly by the Secretary of the Universitas Indonesia, \d. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., along with leaders from...Read More
Depok, October 4th 2023. Prof. Doni Hikmat Ramdhan, S.K.M., M.KKK, Ph.D. was inaugurated as Permanent Professor in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health (K3), Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Universitas Indonesia (UI), this morning at Universitas Indonesia (UI) Convention Hall, UI Campus, Depok. At the inauguration, he delivered a scientific oration entitled “Climate Change...Read More
Jaranan Kidal is a Kuda Lumping dance performance from Kidal Village, Tumpang District, Malang Regency, which is performed by a group of men in even numbers. When dancing it, accompanied by gamelan music, the players who ride flat horses usually experience a trance. This act of possession makes some people think that Jaranan Kidal is...Read More
Recently, discussions about air pollution – especially in the capital – have become a hot topic in the public. Based on IQAir data this morning, October 4th 2023, Jakarta is ranked 3rd as the most polluted city in the world. IQAir also published on its website the forecast for the air quality index (AQI) for...Read More