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November 1, 2023


UI and Durham University Explores Multidisciplinary Research Collaboration to Address Climate Change Issues

Universitas Indonesia (UI) and Durham University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish more intensive educational cooperation and scientific research collaboration in various fields, especially related to climate change, on Tuesday (31/10) in Meeting Room A, Floor 2, University Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus. The meeting was opened by the Head of the...
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UI Holds Student Exchange Info-Session to Hungary with University of Pécs

Universitas Indonesia (UI) together with the University of Pécs, Hungary held an Info-Session activity at the Vocational Education Program Auditorium, UI Depok Campus, on Monday (30/10). This activity aimed to provide information regarding student exchanges to Hungary, especially the University of Pécs, both through the Indonesian International Mobility Awards for Vocational Students (IISMAVO) program and...
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SKSG UI Highlights the Important Role of Women and Youth in Achieving SDGS by 2030

The School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) sees the important role of women and youth in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. For this reason, SKSG UI held a seminar entitled “Leadership of Women and Youth in Achievement of SDGs by 2030”, on Thursday (19/10), in the IASTH Building...
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FIA UI National Seminar Discusses Implementation of Global Minimum Tax to Overcome Tax Avoidance Practices by Multinational Companies in Indonesia

The Politics of Taxation, Welfare, and National Security (Poltax) research cluster at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a national seminar entitled “Indonesia is Ready to Welcome Pillar 2 of BEPS 2.0: Bridging the Paradox of Global Minimum Tax VS Tax Holiday Regime”. In collaboration with the Governance and Tax Accountability...
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The 29th International Seminar on Sea Names: Discuss Geographical Naming Strategies for Peace

Depok, October 24th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) together with The Society for East Sea, Northern Asian History Foundation, and the Indonesian Toponymy Community held an international seminar entitled The 29th International Seminar on Sea Names on 18th–21st of October 2023. The seminar, with...
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Cactus, Bougainvillea and Frangipani Help Reduce the Impact of Extreme Hot Weather

Depok, October 27th 2023. According to the Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency (BMKG), the average air temperature during the dry season in 2023, especially in September, is 27.0 °C. If we look back, in September 1991-2020 the temperature was around 26.6 °C. The abnormality in air temperature in Indonesia in September 2023 makes it the...
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Ten UI Scientific Fields Enter THE WUR 2024 by Subject

Depok, October 27th 2023. Ten scientific fields at Universitas Indonesia (UI) occupy the top positions in Indonesia according to the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (WUR) 2024 by Subject – seven of them are ranked 1st in Indonesia. This number has increased from last year, because in 2023 there were only three UI...
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Initiating the Height Adjustable Standing Desk, UI Students Win the Regional Public Health Outstanding Student Selectio

The Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Indonesia (UI) is again proud of the achievements made by its students. Tasya Nabila Purwaningtyas from the Regular Bachelor Program of Public Health Class of 2021 was named 1st Place in the Selection of Public Health Outstanding Students at the Regional Level of Banten, DKI Jakarta, and West...
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Holding Charity Golf 2023 for The Second Time, FKG UI Supports Improvement of Educational Facilities at Salemba Campus

Depok, October 27th 2023. Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Universitas Indonesia (UI) continues to strengthen collaboration with various partners and stakeholders through various academic and non-academic related events. After being successfully held last year, FKG UI held “Charity Golf FKG UI 2023” for the second time at Damai Indah Golf, Pantai Indah Kapuk. This golf tournament...
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MAC UI Cultural Mission Delegation Flies to Turkey and Saudi Arabia to Introduce Arts and Culture with a Religious Nuance

Head of Makara Art Center (MAC) Universitas Indonesia (UI) Dr. Ngatawi Al-Zastrouw leads a cultural mission delegation that will go to Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The 20-person delegation consisted of artists, students, academics, and professionals in the field of arts. They will hold art performances and dialogues to introduce Indonesian culture, as well as visit...
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