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April 2024


Latest Information on New Student Admission at UI Open Days 2024 on April 27-28, 2024

Every year during new student admissions, interest in becoming a University of Indonesia (UI) student shows a positive picture. For more than a decade, as a superior and independent campus, UI has been meeting prospective students through UI Open Days. This year, for the 12th time, UI will hold the annual event through UI Open...
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UI Geography Expert Dr. Supriatna: The Discipline of Individuals is Required in Overcoming Global Warming

Chairman of the Geography Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Indonesia (UI) Dr. Supriatna, M.T., argues that Indonesia is currently experiencing major challenges in handling climate change issues, including global warming which includes increasing global temperatures, sea level rise, greenhouse effect and other hydrometeorological disasters. Gases produced mainly from vehicles and industry,...
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UI Made History in ICPC 2023 World Finals Programming Competition, Ranked Equal to Stanford University and KAIST

Universitas Indonesia (UI) made achievements in the world’s most prestigious programming contest, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) 2023 World Finals held on April 14-19, 2024 in Luxor, Egypt. UI represented by the and Bingung Weh teams ranked 26th and 36th out of 170 top universities in the world. This year, the ICPC World...
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Commemorating National Disaster Preparedness Day, UI Provides Education About Disasters

Coinciding with Disaster Preparedness Day, which is celebrated every April 26, The Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) for Security, Safety and Environmental Health (K3L) Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a series of activities to increase public awareness, especially the civitas, of the importance of anticipating disaster emergencies. These activities included campaigns, checking safety facilities and infrastructure, and...
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UI Open Days 2024: Thousands Visitor Come to Seek University Information

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held UI Open Days (UIOD) 2024 for two days on April 27-28, at Balairung and Balai Sidang UI. This year’s UI Open Days featured the theme “Empowering Your Journey: Unlocking Opportunities at Universitas Indonesia”. University Secretary, Dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D, said that the Empowering Your Journey theme means ‘strengthening in the...
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UI Established a Partnership with Indiana University

Universitas Indonesia (UI) established a partnership with Indiana University (IU) marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D, and Indiana University President, Pamela Whitten, on Wednesday (17/4), on the Indiana University campus in Indianapolis. Indiana University is among the top 20 public universities in...
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Distortation of Ethics in Corruption

Dr. Meutia Irina Mukhlis, a lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities (FIB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), said that some officials or people in dignified positions in society tend to be involved in corrupt practices. From a philosophical point of view, this situation indicates a serious problem in Indonesia regarding corruption. Power seems to spoil a number of politicians, and...
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Connecting with Relatives (Silaturahim)

“Repentance for sins committed, it is easy for Allah to forgive. However, sins to fellow humans are what we need to be aware of. Therefore, halal bi halal is good for gathering together to forgive each other,” said Prof. Dr. K.H. Nasaruddin Umar, M.A., Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, in his sermon at...
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Strategy for the Development of Indonesian Tourism at the Global Level

“Based on VN Express International data for 2023, Indonesian tourism is in 5th position after Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam with 11.7 million foreign tourists. Vietnam is currently a threat to Indonesian tourism because many new destinations have gone viral, which have been prepared by the government and related parties,” said Dr. Diaz Pranita, M.M.,...
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Talent Scouting Selection Results: 625 Prospective New Students from 15 Provinces in Indonesia and Two from Abroad

“Universitas Indonesia (UI) has announced 625 prospective new students who passed Talent Scouting last Wednesday (17/4). This year, the total number of registrants was 1,577 participants from 354 invited schools, which increased from last year’s 1,437 participants from 353 schools. Overall, the prospective new students accepted are school graduates from 15 provinces in Indonesia and two schools from...
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