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2,083 UI Students of Professional, Specialist, Master’s, and Doctoral Programs Officially Graduated


A total of 4,658 students at Universitas Indonesia (UI) from the vocational school, undergraduate program, master’s program, and doctoral program graduated in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year, on Friday (10/3) and Saturday (11/3). This time, the graduation was held offline at Balairung, UI Depok Campus. Balairung UI is historically synonymous with UI graduation activities. Previously, during the pandemic, UI carried out graduation processions online, hybrid, and the last time in multiple locations across all faculties, Balai Purnomo, and the Health Sciences Cluster Building, Depok.

On Friday (10/03) afternoon, the graduation ceremony of 2,083 students led by UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E, M.A, Ph.D, was attended by the Chairman of the Professors Council (DGB), the Chairman of the Academic Senate (SA), the Chairman of the Board of Trustees (MWA), UI Secretary, Vice Chancellors, Deans, School Directors, and Director of Vocational Education Program. In his speech, Prof. Ari conveyed that Universitas Indonesia (UI) is continuously committed to becoming an innovative, independent, inclusive, dignified, and excellent higher education institution at the Southeast Asia and global levels. “This is proven through the hard work of all UI members so that UI’s position will be even better on the international academic world stage,” said Prof. Ari.

He said, in 2022, according to the QS Asia University Ranking, UI occupied the top position in Indonesia, ranked 10 in Southeast Asia, and ranked 49 at the Asian level. In addition, based on THE Impact Ranking 2022, UI was in first place in Indonesia, third in Southeast Asia, 5th in Asia, and 18th in the world. Then in 2023, UI is still in the top position, ranking 9th in Southeast Asia.

Furthermore, Prof. Ari said that UI graduates have complete and excellent competencies, have reliability, and can outdo foreign graduates. Based on the QS Graduate Employability Ranking 2022, UI was the best in Indonesia, ranked 11th in Southeast Asia, and ranked 137th in the world. “UI has and will continue to facilitate the preparation and self-development of students so that they can undergo a smooth transition into the world of post-higher education through various programs, such as soft skills training, job fairs, and other efforts to bridge students and graduates with career choices,” said Prof. Ari.

Of the 4,658 UI graduates, 16 graduated from the Associate Degree Diploma Programs, 1,970 Undergraduate Programs, 187 International Class Programs, and 105 Extension Programs. Meanwhile, from the postgraduate class, there were 381 Professional Programs, 305 Specialist and Sub-Specialist Programs, 1,543 Master’s Programs, and 151 Doctoral Programs graduates.

The graduate with the highest and perfect GPA at this afternoon’s graduation with a score of 4 was Dr. Mazytha Kinanti Rachmania from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Dr. Mardiana Purwaningsih from the Faculty of Computer Sciences, and 8 students from the Faculty of Engineering, which are Dr. Moch. Syaiful A. Muhammad Risky Mirwandhana, Ari Trifanli, Felix Larry F Sinaga, Syahril Aditya Ginanjar, Budi Utomo, Muhammad Nizami, and Regina Lionnie.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the series of events, a symbolic presentation was done by the Endowment Fund Collection Program of Universitas Indonesia. This fund is a contribution from graduates as new alumni of UI that is worth more than one billion. The fund is obtained through the allotment of shares from graduation fees paid by each graduate. Later, this fund will be used for efforts to advance UI’s alma mater, including providing scholarships for UI students in need.

The UI Rector advised all graduates to continously carry out the Three Pillars of Higher Education based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. “And produce innovations that are able to answer national and global problems and challenges because UI is here to provide excellent innovation for Indonesia and the world,” said Prof. Ari.

The graduation ceremony was attended by the Regent of North Minahasa Joune J. E. Ganda, S.E., M.A.P.; and Deputy Mayor of Depok Ir. H. Imam Budi Hartono. Meanwhile, among the parents and VIP guests present were Dr. Ir. H. Muh. Lukman Edy, M.Si (Minister of Development of Disadvantaged Regions 2007-2009); Hendrikus Ivo, S.H (Board of Commissioners BRI); Dian Okta Yoshinta, SH., M.PSDM (Secretary of East Java Culture and Tourism Office); Juli Hendro Priyono (President Director of PT CEPRO); and Bambang Harymurti (Board of Commissioners of PT Tempo Inti Media).

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