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Students of UI Won the 24th Harvard World Model United Nations

World MUN 2015Two delegation of Universitas Indonesia, Amanda Soeyasa Besar and Zain Z. Azzaino got an honor as ‘Best Diplomacy Award’ on the 24th Harvard World Model United Nations (World MUN) 2015. The 24th World MUN was held at Seoul, South Korea on March 16th to 20th 2015. World MUN is the biggest United Nations simulation competition in the world that is held annually on several different countries and was participated by 2.400 student from 113 countries.

“On MUN, we were trained about how to negotiate, speech and research. Besides that, we also got new friends from around the world,” said Amanda who also won the ‘Best Delegate’ honor on Indonesia Model United Nations last year.

This year’s theme of World MUN was “Post-Millennium Development Goals”. According to Amanda and Zain, that was an interesting theme because Indonesia still has a lot of home work in order to achieve Milennium Development Goals (MDGs) target. On the conference, delegation of various contries proffered their ideas and solutions related to MDGs. The delegation were demanded to be able to think creatively about how to alleviate the poverty.

The three things that became the winning key of Amanda and Zain was deep research, practice regularly, and persistence. Their success on World MUN was also under the guidance of their coach.

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