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UI Students Won Thanks to Cassava-Based Cheese

Picture1Cheesava Team from Chemical Engineering of Universitas Indonesia (UI) which were consists of Sri Ayu Lestari, Anifah Saeful Pranata, and Kirstie Imelda Majesty succesfully got 1st winner with Best Innovation Award predicate on International Biotechnology Competition and Exhibition (IBCEx) 2015.  IBCEx 2015 was an international innovative product competition that was held on April 12th 2015 in Malaysia.

In this competition, Cheesava Team brought their innovation product that was cassava-based synthetic cheese. The cheese was made from cassava without fermentation process until the taste, color and texture was similar to the authentic cheese.

IBCEs was an international level innovative product competition on biotechnological that was held by Bioprocess Students Association of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (BIOSS UTM). Theme of this year’s competition was “Innnovation for Competitive and Dynamic Generation.”

In the same event, Vlakes Team that was also came from Chemical Engineering of UI, successfully got the runner up position with Best Presentation Award predicate. The presentation that was done by Vlakes Team became the pilot basis of product presentation by the judge for the other delegation team of the other universities of other countries.

With this kind of competition, students of biotechnology is expected to build a creative, innovative and competitive spirit so that they can produce a biotechnological product that brings a broad positive impact for people in the world.

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