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Faculty of Dentistry of UI Commemorated World No Tobacco Day

DSC_1666In order to commemorated World No Tobacco Day on last May 31st 2015, Department of Oral Medicine of Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI) held series of events that was held on Tuesday and Friday, May 26th and 29th 2015. The events consisted of social service and one day seminar with the aim of improving knowledge of society about the dangers of smoking and its impact to health, especially for mouth and teeth.

This series of events had been started on Tuesday, May 26th by social service activity at Panti Piatu Muslimin, Kramat st. 11, Jakarta Pusat, in the form of counseling and dental examination (free of charge) for students of 216 Junior High School. Lecturers and students of Oral Medicine Specialist Program of FKG UI took part in this social service activity.

Counseling in this social service activity was done by several method, one of them was by movie screening session and presentation. “This counseling session is aimed to give knowledge about the dangers of smoking to students on early age. In the future, child smokers expectedly will be decrease,” said the chairwoman of committee, drg. Febrina Ramayanti, Sp. PM.

The peak of this series of events was one day seminar with the theme of “What Dentists Should Know About General and Oral Health Effects of Smoking” that was held on Friday, May 29th 2015 at FKG UI Hall, Salemba. Speakers of this seminar was dr. Feni Fitriani, Sp.P, MPd.Ked (Chairwoman of Klinik Berhenti Merokok Persahabatan Hospital Team), dr. Kartono Muhammad (Chairman of Tobacco Control Support Center), drg. Yuniarti Syafril, Sp. Perio (K) (Lecturer of FKG UI), dr. Kristiana Siste, SpKJ(K) (Teacher of Klinik Adiksi, Department of Psychiatry of FK UI-RSCM), drg. Gus Permana S,Ph.D,Sp.PM (Chairman of Department of Oral Medicine of FKG UI), and drg. Anton Rahardjo, MKM, Ph.D (Lecturer of FKG UI).

UI as higher education institution has also participated actively and real in the effort of educating about dangers of smoking by Decree of Rector No.  1805/SK/R/UI/2011 about non-smoking areas (KTR UI). In the program of KTR UI, all staffs, students, until security guards are prohibited to smoke, except on several specially provided areas. Cigarette company or other cigarette-related institution are also prohibited to be the sponsors of events on UI. Moreover, one of the requirement of grantee in UI is that he or she should not be an active smoker. KTR UI is one of UI commitment on improving health of society.

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