en sipp@ui.ac.id dan humas-ui@ui.ac.id +62 21 786 7222

UI Soon to Announce The World’s Top Green Campus 2015


After the launching on April 2010, Universitas Indonesia (UI) GreenMetric World University Ranking is getting popular among universities in the world. Every year, the number of universities that participating is keep on increasing.

In 2010, for example, 95 universities from 35 countries were participating. The number increased to 178 universities from 42 countries in the next year. Now, the total of participants has reached 407 universities from 65 countries in the world. The number of participants has increased four times since the first time of launching.

Those number shows the high commitment of universities in the world to improve the quality of environment by various preservation efforts. Energy saving, eco-friendly transportation, and solid waste management are part of the central issue that becomes concern in UI GreenMetric appraisal.

On Friday, January 22nd 2016 later, UI will officially announce the winner of the world’s top green campus that successfully get into UI GreenMetric Ranking of World University 2015. The appraisal in UI GreenMetric are based on three basic philosophy, that are Environment, Economic, and Equity (3’Es). Improvement on appraisal methodology and survey will continue to do in order to generate a comprehensive appraisal.

UI GreenMetric is an initiative of Universitas Indonesia in order to create the world’s top green campus ranking. The ranking is expected to encourage UI as the trendsetter on environmental subject.

As a ranking foundation, UI GreenMetric has officially accepted as member of IREG Observatory (International Ranking Expert Group) on IREG-6 Conference on April 2012 in Taipei. IREG is a Belgium-based foundation that play an important role as quality assurance of world’s universities ranking foundation that related to audit and certification program.

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