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UI Got Achievement on Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court

jessup-2016-04-01Jessup Moot Court Team of Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia (FHUI) successfully got into Octo Finals Round on Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court.

Octo Finals Round was a round to get into the big 7 from 155 teams that competed.

In the competition that was held at Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill, Washington DC, FHUI was representated by Raoul Muskita (2012), Howard Tigris (2013), Riena Fakhry (2013), Florianti Sjaaf (2013), and Aldwin Octavianus (2014).

Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition or known as Jessup is the biggest moot court competition that involve hundreds law student from various country.

Jessup Competition this year was held on March 27th to April 2nd 2016.

In the event, FHUI successfully got Alona E. Evans Award for Top Ten Best Memorial.

Moreover, two members of FHUI Team, Raoul and Riena, successfully got into Top 50 Best Oralists out of 500 oralists.

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