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UI Master Student Received Appreciation as International Sheldon Tieszen Student Award

Mohamad Lutfi Ramadhan, master student of mechanical engineering was chosen as Sheldon Tieszen Student Award recipients in Lund, Sweden, on June 11 th to 16 th 2017.

Ramadhan was chosen from 41 world candidates and received the plaque on special ceremony that was held on The 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science.

The appreciation was given based on judges assessment on scientific article that considered gives significant contribution in fire safety science. In this chance, Ramadhan presented his scientific paper that was titled “Experimental study of the effect of water spray on the spread of smoldering in Indonesian peat fires”.

The paper contains peat burning characteristic research in Indonesia, including the water needs for extinguishing.
The experimental research was held at Thermodynamic Laboratory of UI Mechanical Engineering Department under guidances of Prof. Yulianto S. Nugroho and the scientific article was written together with Fahri Ali Imran, Pither Palamba, and Dr. Engkos Ahmad Kosasih.

Sheldon Tieszen Student Award appreciation was an appreciation that is sponsored by International FORUM of Fire Safety Directors, a group of worldwide fire research institution

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