en sipp@ui.ac.id dan humas-ui@ui.ac.id +62 21 786 7222

UI Becomes Top University Indonesia in Webometrics Version

Universitas Indonesia (UI) returned to the first place of top university in Indonesia in Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2017.

In the rankings, UI is in the 14th place in Southeast Asia and 955th place in the world. UI is considered being the best in opening their scientific publication so that it can be accessed by public by internet connection.

This achievement are based on UI success in Webometrics assessment that was consisted of 4 indicators, that were presence (number of website that is recorded on Google search engine), visibility (number of unique external link (number of back link) that is received by university web domain and recorded by Google search engine, openness (number of document in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Adobe PostScript (.ps, .eps), Microsoft Word (.doc,.docx) dan Microsoft Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptx) that can be accessed and connected with university website domain that is recorded by Google Scholar), and excellence (number of scientific publication that is indexed in Google Scholar).

Besides UI, there are number of universities in Indonesia that are also into top 5 universities Indonesia in Webometrics 2017 version, that are Universitas Gajah Mada (2nd rank in Indonesia; 1.004th place in the world), Institut Teknologi Bandung (3rd rank in Indonesia; 1.209th place in the world), Institut Pertanian Bogor (4th rank in Indonesia ; 1.342th place in the world) and Universitas Brawijaya (5th rank in Indonesia ; 1.870th place in the world).

Webometrics is a world universities ranking system that is website-based. Webometrics believes the presence and visibility of the university web can be the global performance indicator of a university.

This indicator considers commitment of teaching, research, international prestige, public relations as well as industrial and economic sector of a university.

The ranking is done by Cybermetric lab Spanyol by assessing more than 19.000 higher education institutions in the world. Webometrics ranking system aims to promote web publication, support open access initiatives, support electronic access for scientific publication and other academic materials.

The ranking publication can be accessed on : www.webometrics.info.

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