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UI Vocational Student Wins 2nd Place in Indonesia 12th Tourism Competition

Uggasena Ariya Saputra, Geoffrey Alexander, and Rasya Indira Wardhani, students of the Tourism Business Management study program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI), won 2nd place in the Tourism Quiz Competition category in the Indonesia !2th Tourism Competition (KPI 12). This activity, organized by the Bandung State Polytechnic, was attended by 59 universities in Indonesia and two universities in Malaysia on 18-19 May 2022 on a hybridbasis.

Uggasena who became the team leader said, “Making achievements is one of our targets during the college period. Through this competition, we have succeeded in making our alma mater proud and fulfilling this goal.” The Indonesian Tourism Competition (KPI) is a national-level tourism competition which is held every year with 17 contests participated by more than 400 participants. In the 12th event this year, in the Tourism Quiz Competition category, Unggasena and his colleagues competed with more than 10 other teams from various universities.

According to Unggasena, the theoretical and practical lessons learned in class are very helpful in preparing for this competition. “Various tasks and materials given by the lecturers are in accordance with the composition in the tourism sector. There are many courses that are closely related to the competition, such as EventBusiness, Introduction to Travel Business, Anthropology and Sociology of Tourism, and many others,” he said.

The Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D., said that UI Vocational School always supports students to continue to excel in various fields. The implementation of a curriculum that not only emphasises theory, but also practice and is supported by the presence of practitioners from industry who go directly to teach on campus, becomes a comprehensive scientific briefing for students. “We do collaboration between campus and industry to continue to provide maximum vocational education for students. In the end, the results of this collaboration can be proven through the achievements that students have won through various competitions,” said Padang.

The student team from the Tourism Business Management study program hopes that success in this competition can be the beginning to continue to excel and be an example for other students. “This competition is a place for us to hone our skills and knowledge in order to become tourism people who have broad insight at the national and international level,” said Uggasena closing the interview.

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