The Covid-19 pandemic that has been going on since March 2020 (after being declared by the World Health Organization/WHO) has caused global socioeconomic disruption, delays or cancellations of sporting and cultural events, and widespread concerns about shortages of supplies. In the field of education in Indonesia, through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, the Government issues several policies, one of which is online learning.
This situation becomes a challenge for each individual in using technology and “forces” all activities including the learning process to be carried out online. With the background of these conditions, the research team of the Faculty of Nursing, University of Indonesia (FIK UI) led by NS. La Ode Abdur Rahman, S. Kep., MBA., developed a virtual laboratory based on virtual reality simulation for nursing (VRSN) for nursing students.
VRSN is a VR websitethat is an alternative solution for learning methods to train the skills of nursing lecturers and students in carrying out nursing actions. This prototype projectreceived funding from the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP) UI with the aim of making it easier for students to learn. “The development of this virtual laboratory is expected to be a practical solution during the pandemic, which applies distance education (PJJ),” said La Ode Abd Rahman, the VIT-R Nurse Team, during the VRSN socialization at the Al-Ikhlas Nursing Academy (AKPER), Cisarua, Bogor, West Java, on Wednesday (23/3/2022).
The VRSN socialization is a form of implementation of the Prototype Design and Development Funding Program (P5) DISTP UI grant. La Ode Abd Rahman hopes that through this virtual reality website, students can maximize their learning. “When doing practice in the laboratory, students really understand the material,” he said.
The material provided in the form of 3600 videos also helps students more easily capture visuals widely. However, it is recommended to use VR for a maximum duration of 15 minutes. “After that, take a break. Therefore, in the future, this VR material will take no more than 15 minutes,” said La Ode, giving advice.
Tarisa Nur Awalia, a third semester student at Akper Al-Ikhlas who is a participant in the VRSN socialization and training, said that during online learning it was very helpful to use VRSN. “Using VRSN can make it easier to understand learning material in the laboratory. This is great with a cool tool design. How to operate is also not difficult. It is very helpful in learning,” she said.
Director of Akper Al-Ikhlas Astri Safariah said, “There are 70 students of Akper Al-Ikhlas involved in VRSN socialization and training which started at 08.00 WIB. Of course this is very nice and helpful. We have partnered with Faculty of Nursing UI for a long time.”
Every student is given the opportunity to try VRSN accompanied by tutors from the VIT-R Nurse Faculty of Nursing UI team. “The existence of VRSN is very necessary now and in the future, so that it can be an alternative to hone the psychomotor skills of nursing students and become a role modelfor VRSN throughout Indonesia. Currently, Akper Al-Ikhlas is the first educational institution to receive training on the use of VRSN. Hopefully, this VR user will be able to improve the quality of nurses in Bogor Regency,” said La Ode Abd Rahman.