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Becoming an ASEAN Level Hub, FEUI is Ready to Develop Cyber Security Human Resources in Southeast Asia

“The Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia (FEUI) is ready to contribute to producing excellent human resources in the field of cybersecurity and productive, impactful research to provide solutions to cybersecurity problems in this country. FEUI is also preparing as a hub for ASEAN cybersecurity capacity building,” said Dean of FEUI, Prof. Dr. Heri Hermansyah, ST., M.Eng., IPU when opening the Investment and Security Human Resources Development Seminar. The seminar was held as part of the 58th anniversary of FEUI on Thursday, July 21, 2022 and is part of the JICA-FEUI cooperation.

Prof. Heri also said that the increasing cyber threats to national security and defense cannot be faced alone. “Multidisciplinary cooperation and interaction are needed because cybersecurity is not only related to technology, but also related to other aspects, such as law, social, humanities, health, economics, politics, and so on, including the triple helix cooperation between universities, government and industry is very important to strengthen national cybersecurity capacity going forward. Hopefully, FEUI can contribute more to the advancement of cybersecurity in Indonesia.”

The seminar was organized by FEUI’s business unit, Center for Computing and Information Technology (CCIT-FEUI) at the Royal Kuningan Hotel, Jakarta. The event was supported by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia and the National Cyber Agency (Badan Siber dan Siber Negara, BSSN) represented by the Head of the Center for Professional Development and Certification, Dr. Ir. Hedi. M. Idris, M.Sc.; and Director of Cybersecurity and Password Governance Policy, BSSN, Nunil Pantjawati, B.Sc, M.E.

The seminar was attended by speakers from professionals and academics, Agus Wicaksono, CEO & Co-Founder of Alumnia Sinergi Adikarsa and Board of Advisor iCIO Community – Indonesian Association of Chief Information Officers, Prof. Toshihiro Hirayama (JCIC – Japan Cybersecurity Innovation Committee), Dr. Muhammad Salman (Head of FEUI Computer Engineering Study Program, JICA-FEUI Cooperation Project Manager, and idCARE.UI Board) and Dr. Ruki Harwahyu (Vice Project Manager JICA-FEUI, idCARE.UI Board).

Portal Web idCARE

On July 18, 2022, FEUI launched idCARE (Indonesia Cyber Awareness and Resilience Center), a study and research center in the field of Cyber Security ( idCARE also organizes various training and certification programs in the field of cybersecurity. FEUI is currently collaborating with JICA in the project “Human Resources Development for Cybersecurity Professional” to produce professional resources in the field of cyber security until 2025. Various activities carried out include joint-curriculum development for cybersecurity, training for trainers, professional certification, and opensource tool development. Various trainings were conducted for ASEAN countries that are just growing their cybersecurity such as Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Timor Leste. In addition to JICA, FEUI’s strategic cooperation currently running includes BSSN, Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, Keio University, CompTIA, EC-Council, Cisco, AWS, Alibaba, Huawei and various industries, ministries and other institutions in the critical information infrastructure sector.


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