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Imeri UI Encourages the Use of Big Data Center Platform for Health Research Data Analysis

The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI), Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FMUI) under the company UMG Idelab, established the Big Data Center (BDC). According to the Chairman of BDC IMERI-IDEALAB Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D in the Next Big Data Center 2022 webinar (Noteworthy Expert Talk – BDC), “The Big Data Center was built due to a lot of research, and a lot of Health data collection, but it has not been facilitated and there is no Big Data Center in Indonesia.”

“The construction of the IMERI-IDEALAB Big Data Center has been a long journey since the middle of 2021, and now it is still being developed to meet the needs of the researchers. The IMERI-IDEALAB Big Data Center is expected to provide great benefits in the field of health big data research in Indonesia, not only for researchers in the health sector as data owners but also researchers from outside the health sector who have the ability to analyze data to create research collaborations, “said Prasandhya Astagiri.

He explained the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the IMERI-IDEALAB Big Data Center platform which has the taglineOne-Stop Solution“, that the platform is not only for storing data, but also for cataloging data, labeling data, and analyzing data on the same platform. IMERI-IDEALAB Big Data Center has features such as single sign on, cloud storage, data catalog, data labeling, billing system, and cloud computing analytics. The service starts with registration, subscribe SSO, data storage (data catalogue, public, restricted, private), data labelling, and data analytics.

Prof. dr. Badriul Hegar, Ph.D., SpA(K)., as the Director of IMERI hopes for a synergistic collaboration between the IMERI Big Data Center and Amazon Web Service in implementing Artificial Intelligence in health big data. “The collaboration between the IMERI Big Data Center and AWS in increasing the speed of innovation to unlock the potential of health data and can develop a more personalized approach to development and care, including in terms of therapeutics,” said Badriul.

On the same occasion, the Dean of FMUI Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH., MMB said that the need for Artificial Intelligence technology in the advancement of health big data is to strengthen the IMERI Big Data Center platform and increase the motivation of researchers to put their health data on the IMERI Big Data Center platform. “So that the platform has interactions between multidisciplinary researchers to create new research with existing data on the IMERI Big Data Center platform,” he said.

WEBINAR NEXT BDC 2022 (Noteworthy Expert Talk – BDC) is a series of webinar activities held by the IMERI-IDEALAB Big Data Center unit. In the first event, IMERI-IDEALAB Big Data Center in collaboration with AWS raised the theme “Implementation of Artificial intelligence for Big Data in Healthcare.” This event was held with two sub-themes, namely Big Data Center platform for Big Data in Healthcare and Delivering material on future opportunities across AI in population health, analytics, digital twin, interoperability, patient-centric engagement and genomics enabled with AWS technology.

The second session of the webinar presented two speakers from Amazon Web Service Asia Pacific & Japan, namely Dr. Julian Sham (Healthcare Lead) and Leon Jackson (Healthcare & Life Science Tech Lead). They explain how Artificial Intelligence technology contributes in maximizing the use of health big data in the future. In his presentation, Leon Jackson and dr. Julian Sham also introduced services from AWS Clouds and how they support Artificial Intelligence technology in health data with Machine Learning.

WEBINAR NEXT BDC 2022 (Noteworthy Expert Talk – BDC) will be held on Saturday, April 16, 2022, targeting participants in the fields of health, information technology, and the general public. This event was conducted online which was attended by 100 participants consisting of students at 20 universities both at home and abroad, doctors from 16 hospitals in Indonesia, and attended by 19 health institutions in Indonesia.

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