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Nursing Care is the Key to Patient Recovery

The Covid-19 pandemic, which has not yet ended, has forced around 98% of hospitals in Indonesia to impose restrictions on gatherings between families and patients. Based on the surveyconducted, it was recorded that 4 out of 5 hospitals in Indonesia replaced direct interaction with video conference. The change in the meeting system certainly creates communication barriers. Therefore, the hospital seeks to provide facilities for communication tools to reduce barriers. The description of the condition was presented by Ns. Sri Hariyanti, S.Kep. in a webinar with the theme “Critical Nursing Care for Patients and Families” held by Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI)I in the context of the 3rd Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) Anniversary, on Saturday (22/01). According to Hariyanti, the topic “Transformation in Involving Family to ICU Nursing Care During Pandemic” is important given the limited interaction between patients and families due to Covid-19. As health workers who often interact with patients, nurses have a vital role as communication liaisons. One of the effects of limited family gatherings is that the patient becomes more restless, becomes confused, and feels fearful. In fact, the presence of the family can increase patient compliance during treatment, thereby increasing the chances of the patient’s recovery. Therefore, as a substitute for the family, nurses play an important role in providing nursing care services so that patients feel satisfied and get well soon. In the webinar, Ns. Gatra Satria, S.Kep. added that nursing care also requires mechanical ventilation. The use of mechanical ventilation can increase the patient’s chances of recovery. Mechanical ventilation is a device used to help the respiratory muscles work normally. Mechanical ventilation allows oxygenation and ventilation of the patient. This device has an important role in reducing the work of breathing for patients who experience respiratory failure, instability in the chest area, major surgery, and burns in the respiratory area.


“The purpose of mechanical ventilation is to provide oxygen, provide adequate alveolar ventilation, maintain lung gas exchange, minimize the risk of lung injury, reduce the workload of breathing, and normalize blood gases so that patients can breathe comfortably,” said Ns. Gatra.


Meanwhile, Ns. Marlen Anisah, S.Kep. explain the role of High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) in nursing care. HFNC is an oxygen therapy device that was developed as an alternative to conventional oxygen therapy that connects air with an active humidifierto the nasal prong. HFNC can be given to COVID-19 patients who require oxygen therapy.


“Based on research from a hospital in Wuhan, HFNC is an effective respiratory supportfor the management of COVID-19 patients. The use of HFNC for 6 hours with a Rox Index (>5.55) is a predictor of the success of the tool. In addition, HFNC is also effective in the management of hypoxaemic ARF in COVID-19 patients. The effectiveness of this device is the same as NIV with no difference in treatment duration, endotracheal intubation rate, or mortality rate,” explained Marlen.


According to Marlen, as a nurse who carries out nursing care for HFNC patients, it is important to monitor the patient’s vital signs, assess respiratory status, observe abdominal distension, perform oral hygieneevery eight hours, and perform suctioningif indicated.

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