Penta helix cooperation, collaboration, and engagement between higher education and industry are the efforts and demands of the times towards entrepreneur university. This collaboration is also one of the avenues that can translate science and technology findings into practical benefits and improve the economic and social welfare of the community.
Based on this, the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia (FPH UI) has again taken strategic steps to improve the quality of learning, especially in the Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) and Environmental Health Study Programs. Together with PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (HMMI), FPH UI signed a cooperation agreement at PT HMMI Bekasi office.
“FPH UI’s collaboration with PT HMMI in the spirit of Tri Dharma of Higher Education for three years is a real effort by FPH UI to realize this vision. Hopefully, with the support and prayers of the entire academic community, FPH UI will be able to achieve its goals and benefit widely from the collaboration with PT HMMI, for the sake of the advancement of FPH UI which will be even more superior in the future, “said Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, M.S., D.Sc., Dean of FPH UI, Tuesday (19/07).
This cooperation focuses on the OHS field, especially safety training and environmental health in waste treatment. In the UI-Hyundai cooperation agreement there are 15 modules safety training, namely noise experience, manual material handling, lock out tag out (LOTO), electrical safety, safety helmet/boots impact experience, rigging and lifting impact experience,safety harness experiences, how to use a light fire extinguisher, confined space experience, virtual reality safety experience, emergency evacuation experience, CPR – AED first aid experience, safety glasses impact experience, personal protective equipment (PPE) display,portable ladder, and waste management.
“The hope is not limited to the quality of learning for students, but this cooperation agreement can also facilitate safety training for staff at FPH UI such as technicians, OEHS committees, facilities staff and household staff, so that they can be more careful and pay attention to safety during work. In addition, lecturers can also conduct research related to the work of automating car assembling at Hyundai,” said FPH UI Manager of Cooperation, Alumni Relations, and Ventures Indri Hapsari Susilowati, S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D.
In addition to focusing on the 15 modules, other things listed in this cooperation agreement include the implementation of research at PT HMMI for FPH UI lecturers and students, the implementation of field learning practices for FPH UI students, and knowledge sharing from PT HMMI to FPH UI. The implementation of this cooperation activity is also intended to support the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program launched by the government.
At the signing of this cooperation agreement, FPH UI also had the opportunity to visit the safety training center and line. PT HMMI is the only electric car factory in Indonesia that has complete, interactive and high technology training facilities. This is the basis for choosing PT HMMI as a cooperation partner of FPH UI.
Also present at the meeting, the Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, Dr. Ir. Asih Setiarini, M.Sc.; Education Manager, Dr. Laila Fitria, S.K.M., M.K.M.; Cooperation Manager, Alumni and Venture Relations, Indri Hapsari S., S.K.M., M.K.K.K., Ph.D.; Head of the Environmental Health Undergraduate Study Program, Dr. Ema Hermawati, S.Si., M.K.M.; K3 Lecturer, Dr. Ir. Sjahrul Meizar Nasri, M.Sc.; and Coordinator and Staff of Cooperation, Alumni Relations and Venture Subunits. Meanwhile, from PT HMMI, the President, Mr. Choi Yoon Seok; HoG, Mr. Kim Myung Sob; Chief of Safety Officer, I Wayan Bagiarta, and his staff were present.