The Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning, Sofyan A. Djalil, S.H., MA, M.ILD, Ph.D., gave a public lecture to students of the Faculty of Law of the Universitas Indonesia in a hybrid manner (offline and online). The material presented was entitled “Agrarian Reform in 2022 to Realize Land Law Certainty and People’s Prosperity”.
On that occasion, Sofyan said, “The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency has currently initiated a digital transformation program. Land services will be accessible to the public electronically, anywhere and anytime, making it effective, efficient, and transparent.”
He added that his party continues to strive to create an equitable economy in the land sector through Agrarian Reform, although inequality in land tenure does exist. Therefore, based on the direction of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency continues to accelerate the course of Agrarian Reform in terms of asset legalization and land redistribution.
Agrarian Reform is a rearrangement of the structure of control, ownership, use, and utilization of land that is more equitable through structuring assets and accompanied by structuring access for the prosperity of the Indonesian people. Land issues have a very broad scope as referred to in the explanation of Article 4 of the Basic Agrarian Law, such as ownership, use, allocation, planning, and other related aspects. To be able to explain the complexity of land issues that often arise, it is necessary to understand the underlying issues that trigger land issues.
Agrarian Reform is based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, UU 5/1960 ((UUPA), TAP MPR RI No. IX. IX/MPR/2001, Law 17/2007, Perpres 2/2015, and Perpres 86/2018. The objectives of Agrarian Reform are to create prosperity and community welfare, create jobs to reduce poverty, improve and maintain the quality of the environment, improve food security and sovereignty, handle and resolve agrarian conflicts, reduce inequality in land tenure and ownership, and improve community access to economic resources.
Sofyan also discussed technological developments and challenges that will be felt by all lines, especially in the land sector. Therefore, he invited us to reflect on the important attitudes and characters that need to exist in every individual in order to survive in the midst of future challenges. The first character trait that is important to implement is open-mindedness. It is also important to be a flexible individual who is a true learner and creative at any time and place.
The public lecture was opened by the Dean of FL UI, Dr. Edmon Makarim, S.Kom., S.H., LL.M. “As students of Master in Notary, we think it is important to get knowledge directly from the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning as well as the Head of National Land Agency as a national land policy maker. Students of the Master in Notary, Faculty of Law are candidates for public officials, candidates for notaries, and candidates for land deed officials,” said Edmon.
In this public lecture, the Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, Prof. M. R. Andri Gunawan Wibisana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D., and the Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures & General Administration, Parulian Paidi Aritonang, S.H., LL.M., MPP, were also present.
Author: PR FLUI | Editor: Sapuroh