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New UI Dental Hospital Director Steps into Office: Aims to Become an Internationally Recognised Hospital

Universitas Indonesia’s Dental and Oral Health Hospital (RSKGM) instated drg. Yudy Ardilla Utomo, Sp.BM(K) as its director for the current 2022-2026 term. On the occassion, drg. Yudi urged all of those who stake their interests in the hospital to support each other and intensify mutual communication and collaboration

“that the outlined strategic plans may be perfectly realised,” he stated. RSKGM aims not only to become a national centre of dental training and referral centre, but also has designs to become both at an international level.

drg. Yudi’s was instated into office by the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Dr. drg. Nia Ayu Ismaniati, MDSc, Sp.Ort(K)., who on the same occassion also instated two Vice Directors, drg. R.M. Tri Ardi Mahendra, Sp.Pros (k) and drg. Feisal Ghazali A, S.E., M.M, into their posts. Their instatement was conducted in hybrid, with participants present on-site and online, at the FKG campus in Salemba, Jakarta. “I hope that the officials trusted with their duties may carry them out with a good sense of responsibility, while holding fast to values of leadership, namely integrity and professionalism; good communication and synergy with all parties involved; and constant innovation as an attempt towards improvement and development in every area, so that RSKGM’s presence in the Academic Health System (AHS) would be able to make a contribution towards the advancement of dental sciences and dental health services in Indonesia.” The Dean voiced his optimism regarding the hospital’s current status as a Special Working Unit for Community Service and Devotion (UKKPPM), which, he hopes, would facilitate its management in the acceleration of several areas such as policy making, innovation, financial management, and cooperation with partners.

RSKGM FKG UI is a centre of dental healthcare and service referral in Indonesia. It possesses a set of facilities comprised of a Special Pavilition, a Dentistry Programme Specialist Clinic (PPDGS), and an Integrated Clinic. The Special Pavilion is a self-funded clinic that provides public and specialist services in a comprehensive and professional manner. The PPDGS, meanwhile, is a training clinic for specialist students, while the Integrated Clinic is a training clinic operated by Professional Dentistry students under the supervision of dental consultant doctors.

The elected Director and Vice Directors have all passed through a selection process culminating in a fit and proper test judgement passed by a Selection Committee consisted of the ex-officio Dean of FKG UI; Prof. Dr. drg. Haru Setyo Anggani, Sp.Ort(K); drg.ling Ichsan Hanafi, MARS.; drg. Maya A.Y Lewerisa, Sp.Perio.; drg. Benso Sulijaya, Sp.Perio(K), Ph.D.; and the Secretary of the Selection Committee, Lidya, S.E. The selection was conducted from the 7th of April to the 27th of May 2022.

The instatement procession was followed by a handover of authority and accountability report from the previous Director, Dr. drg. Maria Purbiati, Sp.Ort(K), to drg. Yudi. The handover served as a symbol of a change of leadership. Next on the agenda was the awarding of souvenirs by the leadership fo FKG UI to the previous leadership of RSKGM as a token of appreciation for the latter’s dedication and service.

Also in attendance were the Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs, Dr. drg. Ria Puspitawati, PBO.; Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures, and Public Administration, drg. Kartini Sally, M.M.; members of the Selection Committee; FKG UI students and staff; and RSKGM employees.

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