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According to the National Commission on Child Protection, during 2020 the rate of violence against children increased by 38 percent. 52% of these cases were cases of sexual violence. East Java Province is the region with the most reported cases of violence against children, followed by the Greater Jakarta area, including Depok, which is committed as a Child Friendly City.

Seeing the high number of reported cases of sexual violence against children and in an effort to support Depok City as a Child Friendly City, Faculty of Law. Universitas Indonesia (FL UI) Community Service team led by Dr. Wirdyaningsih, S.H., M.H. conducted training related to education and facilitation of handling sexual violence against children.

Head of the Office of Women’s Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control and Family Planning, drg. Nessy Anisa Handari said that although Depok City was awarded the Nindya rating by the Central Government, it does not mean that Depok is free from the problem of child sexual abuse. There are still many tasks to be done in building a child-friendly city support system based on children’s rights.

The Nindya rating is an evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection to measure the performance achievement of the implementation of 24 predetermined indicators which ultimately leads to the Child Friendly City District Award (Kota Layak Anak, KLA) which consists of 5 (five) ratings namely Pratama, Madya, Nindya, Utama, and KLA.

“Of course, this support system will not succeed if there is no understanding of all parties and awareness of the dangers of sexual violence against children as well as the integration of the commitment of government resources, the community, and the business world,” he said.

This community service provided education in the form of briefings from a legal and psychological perspective to 35 cadres of the Depok City Technical Implementation Unit for the Protection of Women and Children. This activity aims to strengthen cadres assisting cases of sexual violence against children from a legal and psychological perspective while also supporting Depok City as a Child Friendly City.

In addition to providing material on legal protection in child sexual abuse, handling child abuse in the police, and procedures for assisting and serving women and children victims of violence, this event also held discussions in small groups regarding case studies of child sexual abuse that occurred in the surrounding environment. This activity was delivered by resource person Evi Risna Yanti, S.H., M.Kn., a PAHAM advocate who is experienced in handling legal cases of sexual violence against children.

In the next session, group discussions were held on assessment and assistance for children victims of violence and healing techniques for children victims of violence. The training was held on January 12-13, 2022, at the Djokosoetono Auditorium, FL UI Depok.


Author: FLUI PR | Editor: Maudisha AR

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