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Executive Performance Financial Dashboard for Adaptive to Turbulence Financial Management

“Turbulent conditions full of shocks and uncertainties, same as what is currently happening during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has a huge impact and become a current and future challenge for the health care sector, especially hospitals. This non-ideal condition requires management to be adaptive and innovative to very dynamic changes by making the right and fast decisions in various matters, especially in financial management,” said Dr. Eka Pujiyanti in a doctoral promotion session of the Public Health Science Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia (FPH UI).

Dr. Eka further said, “There are changes in the form of increases and decreases (fluctuations) in hospital income and expenses that happend fast rapidly. For this reason, tools are needed to assist the management and executives in making decisions on various situations and conditions based on accurate data and real time data, so that financial performance is maintained.”

This encouraged Eka Pujiyanti to research and develop a dashboard as a decision support system that aims to accelerate the monitoring of financial information accurately and in real time which is used as a basis for making operational decisions to maintain the hospital’s financial performance.

In her dissertation entitled “The Design of the Executive Performance Financial Dashboard in Hospital Financial Management in the Face of Turbulence in the Hospital Ecosystem, Case Study of the Universitas IndonesiaHospital”, he describes his research which is a comparative non-experimental study by comparing the use of dashboards and without dashboards at the Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) which is a COVID-19 referral hospital. The data source used is secondary data collected in the form of revenue data, expenditure data, claim data and other hospital financial documents during the period January 2019 to December 2021.

“This research resulted in the design of the Executive Performance Financial (EPF) Dashboard which is a novelty in hospital management accounting systems in the face of hospital ecosystem turbulence. The EPF Dashboard is structured based on the financial management business process that is able to generate financial information in the form of descriptive menus that present data recapitulation in real time; diagnostic that analyzes the limit value for parameters; predictive that shows a picture of future financial status predictions; and prescriptive that makes parameter adjustments for financial status predictions. These four things are typical analytic tools of machine learning, which can be used as the basis for superior operational decision-making in maintaining the hospital’s financial performance,” she said.

Compared to working with financial information manually, the use of the EPF Dashboard allows hospitals to make more informed decisions, make data processing easier, supervise financial management more closely and produce superior financial performance in terms of speed, data information strength, and accuracy.

This EPF Dashboard design is expected to be a solution that can be applied with further development in hospitals as a tool to monitor financial performance strategically and display important data as a basis for managerial, executive and policy makers to be able to make decisions accurately and in real time in various conditions, both under normal circumstances and in turbulent circumstances full of uncertainty.

In addition to being developed as one of the tools for monitoring financial performance at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI), the design of the EPF Dashboard and the indicators used in the EPF Dashboard also allow it to be adopted and implemented in other hospitals with development according to the conditions of each hospital.

The open session of Eka Pujiyanti’s Doctoral Promotion was held online on Monday (07/18). Acting in the session as Chairperson of the Session & Chairperson of the Examination Team, Prof. dr. Amal Chalik Sjaaf, SKM, Dr.PH; with Promoter, Prof. Dr. Ascobat Gani, MPH., Dr.PH; Co-Promoter I, Prastuti Soewondo, SE, MPH, Ph.D; and Co-Promoter II, Dr. rer. nat I Made Wiryana, S.Si, S.Kom, MSc. Acting as examiner I in the session, Prof. Dr. drg. Mardiati Nadjib, MS; Examiner II, Dr. Ancella A. Hermawan, MBA, CA, ACMA, CGMA; Examiner III, Dr. dr. Andreasta Meliala, DPH, M.Kes, MAS; and Examiner IV, Dr. Acim Heri Iswanto, SKM, MARS.

For the dissertation that she defended in front of the examining team, Eka Pujiyanti won a Doctoral degree in Public Health Science (IKM) with the title Magna Cum Laude, and made her the 15th IKM FPH UI Doctorate graduate in 2022, the 269th FPH UI UI Doctorate graduate, and the 347th FPH UI Doctorate graduate.

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