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Digital Teaching Transformation, Will Present New “Celebrity”

Center for Education and Learning in Economics and Business (CELEB), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia, held an online seminar themed “Digitalization of Learning and E-LearningPedagogy” which presented Prof. Paulina Pannen (Head of Indonesia Cyber Education Institute) as a speaker, and was hosted by Ledi Trialdi from CELEB FEB UI.

According to the Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia, Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D., the main goal of CELEB is to create new “celebrities” in the field of teaching. In this digital era, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia wants lecturers to not only focus on research, but also focus on digital teaching by designing and creating engaging online learning content for students.

“CELEB merupakan sebuah komitmen saya sebagai Dekan Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui pengembangan pedagogi di era digital. Selama ini, kita merasa digital seolah mudah, tetapi sebenarnya perlu upaya lebih serius, termasuk dengan mengundang ahli seperti Prof. Paulina, sehingga rekan Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia bisa belajar bersama di sini,” ujarnya.

Teguh hopes that every lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia must attend at least one CELEB training. This training is supported by studio facilities provided to produce Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) and podcasts.

In her presentation session, Paulina explained about the development of technology-based learning(distance education) in the world, starting from the first generation of correspondence in 1880, the second generation of multimedia in 1960, the third generation of learner support in 1970, and the fourth generation of telecommunications in 1990. In Indonesia, the development of learning is embodied in the government’s learning programs, namelycontinuous learning in 2010, digitallearning in 2017, andintelligent learning in 2020.

According to him, universities in Indonesia have undergone rapid digital transformation since the start of the pandemic. Actually, this transformation is a bit late. Actually, this transformation is already a bit late. “Whereas previously there have been challenges such as the industrial revolution 4.0, internationalization, the global economic crisis, but Indonesia still has not budged. When the pandemic hit, online learning only increased tremendously,” said Paulina.

This digital transformation brings many changes, especially in the field of education. “Pedagogy is no longerteaching people, butleading people. Thus, the lecturer plays a leadership role in designing the learning process and helping students to get to a place where they can learn on their own. Moreover, currently there is an accesibility movement in the education system,” he explained.

He hopes that this online learning system can continue to survive and run in the future. He also predicts that after the Covid-19 pandemic begins to decline, education will switch to a hybrid learning method, which is a mixture of online and offline.

Paulina revealed that this digital transformation is a good thing because education must ultimately keep up with the time development. This educational transformation certainly needs to be supported by supporting facilities and curriculum, such as interactive study rooms that allow students to work in groups.

Lecturers must be trained to lead and direct small groups of students offline. The rest of the time, students can learn on their own online, either individually, personally, or collaboratively. “In this hybrid concept, teachers have to change their roles to become learning buddies, cognitive debaters, and socializers. Not just teaching,” he added.

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