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UI Cares for Semeru: UI Realizes the Tri Dharma of Higher Education

Universitas Indonesia (UI) Cares team under the coordination of the Directorate of Community Service and Community Empowerment visited three locations in Lumajang Regency, East Java, at the end of December, in order to conduct community service activities in response to the Mount Semeru eruption disaster that occurred on December 4, 2021.

On the website of the Regional Disaster Management Agency, it was informed that 51 people were killed, 169 people were injured, 22 people were missing, and 45 people suffered burns due to the eruption. In response to this, the UI Cares team came to Lumajang bringing various needs needed by the local community. The team brought 50 flashlight packages as well as 200 education packages containing school bags, school stationery, water bottles, socks, pencil cases, snacks and milk boxes.

“Our target is to help the needs of affected communities, as well as to fulfill the educational needs and nutritional intake of elementary school students,” said Albert P. J. Roring, Head of the Sub-Directorate of the Directorate of Community Service, Universitas Indonesia (Direktorat Pengabdian Masyarakat, DPPM UI), who joined the group. The group consisted of Indonesian Red Cross secretary Sugeng Supriyanto, educators from SMK Bina Bangsa, Dampit District, and staff from DPPM UI who participated in UI Cares activities in Lumajang Regency, East Java.

“We went through each village to deliver education packages to affected communities in Supiturang Village, Sumberasih Village, and Umbulan Hamlet. The community is very enthusiastic and happy with the education packages,” said Albert Roring. The education package was highly anticipated because at that time there was no similar donation for them, even though educational activities must continue, in addition to fostering the spirit of learning for children.

This community service activity is a form of UI’s commitment to implementing the tri dharma of higher education. In this action, the UI Cares team collaborated with Yayasan Pendidikan Amanah Bina Bangsa (YPABB) SMK Bina Bangsa Dampit, and Indonesian Red Cross Lumajang Regency to pack and distribute education packages for affected residents.

Representatives of SMK Bina Bangsa Dampit stated that they were happy to help with social activities impacting the community directly affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru. From the first day to the last day of the community service, in terms of packaging donated goods to distributing donations to the community, SMK Bina Bangsa Dampit directly accompanied the UI Cares team volunteers.

“Our school is always ready and open to cooperate with all parties, especially with UI which is both an educational institution to help each other in accelerating the recovery of the conditions of the areas affected by the eruption of Mount Semeru. We really appreciate all forms of concern for the Semeru eruption disaster which are carried out with totality and sustainability. SMK Bina Bangsa Dampit always opens the door to be able to jointly help the recovery after the Semeru eruption disaster,” said Siti Maimunah as the Head of SMK Bina Bangsa Dampit.

The UI Cares team met with the Head of Supiturang Village, Nurul Yaqin Pribadi. During the meeting, the UI Cares Team coordinated and mapped the needs of the affected communities, as well as symbolically providing logistical needs for the community. “We are grateful for the attention and activities carried out by the UI Cares team. Thank you for the donation given to the residents of Supiturang Village,” said Nurul.

In addition, the UI Cares team also provided school education packages for children in Umbulan Hamlet, Supiturang Village, Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency. The team also provided educational aid packages to the community around Gladak Perak Bridge in Sumberwuluh Village, Candipuro Sub-district, Lumajang District.

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