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Special Clinical Approaches In Measuring Elder

The population of senior citizens and geriatric patients is increasing worldwide, including in Indonesia. These geriatric patients are characterized by multipathology, with decreased faecal reserve capacity, altered functional status, malnutrition, and various gradations of vulnerability, but with atypical clinical presentation.

As a result, the assessment and management of geriatric patients is not as easy as one might think. A specialized clinical approach called comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) is needed.

Prof. Dr. dr. Czeresna Heriawan Soejono, Sp. PD-KGer., M-Epid., MPH., in his professor’s inauguration speech entitled “Measurement of Biological Age by Utilizing Plenary Assessment Techniques for Geriatric Patients (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) Towards Health Care and Disease Prevention in Adiyuswa Residents” explained about it. He argues, complex health problems in geriatrics must be managed in a complete, not compartmentalized, and must be sustainable.

In addition, it requires the ability to examine physical aspects, as well as other domains of human life, such as psychocognitive, psychosocial, functional, and nutritional domains. “An internist-geriatrician is educated to be able to master the competence of comprehensive assessment (plenary assessment) in the elderly which covers the physical, psycho-cognitive, psycho-social, functional, and nutritional aspects. He will manage geriatric patients in a complete range of curative, promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative aspects according to the needs of the patient and the level of competence of an internist-geriatrician,” he said.

The management of complex geriatric patients requires resources, both human resources, adequate facilities and infrastructure resources as well as service processes that are precise, appropriate, and ensure patient safety. One of the pillars of CGA is promotive and preventive management, which in the context of geriatric patients must be carried out in a customized manner, according to a priority scale, and taking into account the assets that are still owned to be utilized for themselves.

The essence of biological age assessment of senior citizens is to proactively look for potential health problems that may arise when they have not yet manifested and at the same time make specific efforts to correct the trajectory of health status. By knowing the biological age as part of a comprehensive geriatric assessment, it is hoped that efforts to maintain and improve the quality of life of elderly patients can be realized in order to achieve successful aging conditions.

The research presented by Czeresna in his inaugural speech as Professor of Medicine was held on Saturday (15/01). This activity was broadcast live virtually through the Youtube channel of the Universitas Indonesia and was attended by invited guests such as Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, SpA (Indonesian Minister of Health, 2012-2014 Period), Dr. Dhaniswara K. Harjono, SH, M.H., MBA (Rector of Universitas Kristen Indonesia), and Dr. Lies Dina Liastuti, SpJP (K), MARS, FIHA (President Director of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital). Professors from other universities were also present, including Prof. Dr. dr. Emma Sy Moeis, SpPD-KGH (Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University), and Prof. Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD (Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Bali).

Prof. Dr. dr. Czeresna currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Medical Committee of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital and is one of the teaching staff of the Geriatrics Division of the Department / KSM (Medical Staff Group) of Internal FM UI RSCM. In addition, Czeresna is also a Trustee of two organizations, the Alzheimer Indonesia Foundation (ALZI) and the Indonesian Dementia Care Association (PADI).

After completing his medical education at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Czeresna continued his education at the same place by taking Internal Medicine Specialist in 1996. On the next occasion, Czeresna deepened Clinical Epidemiology by taking Masters and Doctoral education at the Universitas Indonesia.

Some of the titles of his latest scientific works are: Frailty and Its Associated Risk factors: First Phase Analysis of Multicenter Indonesia Longitudinal Ageing Study (INALAS) (2021), Polypharmacy and drug use pattern among Indonesian elderly patients visiting emergency unit (2021), Prevalence of prehypertension and its risk factors in midlife and late life: Indonesian family life survey 2014 – 2015 (2021), Length of hospitalization of geriatric patients with Gram-negative bacteremia: an analytical observation. Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine (2020), and The Functional Status, Rehospitalization, and Hospital Cost Reduction in Geriatric Patients After The Implementation of The National Health Insurance Program in The National Referral Hospital Indonesia (2019)..

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