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Ida Ayu Nyoman Titin Trisnadewi and I Wayan Gede Krisna Arimjaya are 2 of the 23 perfect 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) winners, announced at the 2021/2022 Universitas Indonesia (UI) Graduation Ceremony held on September 10-11, 2022, at the UI Depok Campus. Ida Ayu is a doctoral student at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FEng), while I Wayan is a master’s student at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS). Both are sons and daughters from Bali who are able to prove that learning opportunities can be obtained by anyone, regardless of origin, ethnicity, race and religion.

Ida Ayu Nyoman Titin Trisnadewi

“I feel very honored and very happy with this achievement. In the past, it never occurred to me to study until PhD, let alone at UI. However, God’s will opened an extraordinary path, so that I got a Master’s-PhD scholarship at the same time at UI, completed my studies on time with the best GPA, and could hold a doctoral degree at the age of 26. Thank you to my family and all those who have supported me and thank you to myself for being strong enough to fight and survive until this point,” said Ida Ayu.

She is a recipient of the Master’s Degree to Doctoral Education for Excellent Graduates (PMDSU) scholarship from Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Dikti). Her success in completing the doctoral program in a short time is not easy considering that learning activities are carried out online.

During the pandemic, Ida experienced a setback in the development of research in the laboratory, as the campus was completely closed for several months. In fact, as an engineering student with experimental research, working in the lab is very important to him.

She also utilizes all the facilities provided by UI, such as international journals that can be accessed for free, many book references in the library, free journal similarity test facilities, free Microsoft Student applications, and other facilities to support the lecture and research process. “Apart from facility utilization, communication with the mentor is also one of the factors that determine the success of research. Input and direction from the mentor can enrich and sharpen the research. In addition, networking outside the campus, such as with other research institutions, can also help one gain information and insights to support research,” she said.

Ida Ayu hopes to develop the research results on a wider scale and be applied, so that it can contribute insights to existing energy problems, especially in Indonesia. Ida Ayu’s dissertation focused on energy management, especially in buildings. By using Phase Change Material as a heat storage material, the heat received by the building is expected to be reduced. Through this research, it is expected to produce materials that are suitable for Indonesian conditions

I Wayan Gede Krisna Arimjaya

Slightly different from Ida Ayu, I Wayan actually feels that his online lectures actually make it easier for him to study at UI. “So far, I see that online lectures actually make it easier, because the resources are all online, field assignments are also carried out by themselves in their respective regions so that the whole process is simpler. There is less mobilization time that can be used for more productive activities,” said I Wayan.

Through his thesis entitled “Spatial Modeling Based on Calibration Interval Scenario, Case Study: Land Cover Change in East Kalimantan Province 2016-2036”, I Wayan examines the problem of deforestation in East Kalimantan that needs to be controlled through land cover change modeling. He analyzed the classification and validation of multi-temporal land cover maps, analyzed the optimal model investigation, and synthesized the 2036 land cover prediction and spatial pattern analysis of land cover change 2016-2036.

From the research, I Wayan found a decrease in forest cover from 2016 to 2021 with a deforestation rate of 651 km2/year. It is predicted that the forest cover area in 2036 will remain 69,203 km2. Topography is the most influential variable driving land cover change in East Kalimantan.

The deforestation rate is not linear over the prediction time. It is suspected that topography is the main driving variable for land cover change as well as a constraining variable. Therefore, I Wayan hopes that his research can be continued to look at the relationship between land cover change and topographic factors, associated with the use of static and dynamic variables.

“I hope this research can contribute to the government, especially in the process of building Indonesia’s new capital city in Kalimantan. During this study and research process, there is one value that I always hold in principle, which is to always try to add value to related parties,” he said.

I Wayan said, when someone is given any task, give more than they are capable of. If we ask for one, we give two. “If there is an assignment that is collected tomorrow, try to finish it today. It will add value to every process and effort we make,” said I Wayan.

Author: Sasa

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