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Universitas Indonesia Is in the Top 10 Best Universities in Southeast Asia based on THE WUR 2023

The University of Indonesia (UI) again gains the first position in Indonesia as the best university in Indonesia based on an assessment conducted by the Times Higher Education (THE), a world university ranking agency. On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, THE announced THE World University Rankings 2023, and the result was that UI was included in the Top 10 best universities in Southeast Asia along with the National University of Singapore (NUS), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, and University of Malaya.

In this ranking, THE 2023 assessed 1,799 universities in 104 countries and regions. THE World University Rankings 2023 uses 13 indicators to measure university performance in four areas, namely teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook. The 13 performance indicators are carefully calibrated to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparison, trusted by students, academics, university leaders, industry and government.

Of the 13 performance indicators, THE categorizes them into five areas which are Teaching (the learning environment); Research (volume, income and reputation); Citations (research influence); International outlook (staff, students and research); and Industry income (knowledge transfer). THE uses a standardization approach for each indicator, and then combines the indicators in the proportion of performance indicators. The standardization approach used is based on the distribution of data within a given indicator, in which THE calculates a cumulative probability function and evaluates indicators of a particular institution within that function.

UI excels in Indonesia with an overall score of 24.4-29.7, and is ranked 1001-1200 in the world. In the Industry Income indicator, UI scores the highest of the other 4 indicators with a score of 77.7. When compared to other universities in Indonesia, UI ranks first in Indonesia on the indicators of International Outlook, Industry Income, and Teaching.

While at the Southeast Asian level, UI is ranked 9th out of 94 institutions. UI beats King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand; De La Salle University, Philippines; and Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. UI’s leading indicators in the region are Teaching, Industry Income, and International Outlook. On the Teaching indicator, UI ranks third in Southeast Asia after NUS and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The Industry Income indicator ranks 8th, while the International Outlook scores the 14th highest out of 94 institutions in the region.

THE World University Rankings is the only global performance table that assesses research-intensive universities on all of their core missions including teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook. The full results of THE World University Rankings 2023 can be seen on the page

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