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Doctor of Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (UI) Assess the Competence of Scrum Team in Global Software Development

Globalization of the world economy in the 21st century has made Global Software Development (GSD) a trend in the softwareindustry. The need for easy and fast softwaredevelopment as well as meeting investment and quality needs makes GSD popular in business field. The emerging Covid-19 pandemic triggered a massive digital transformation. In the era of adapting to new habits, the use of various tools that support coordination and collaboration has become common. Many activities that were originally carried out offline have turned to online. This condition further strengthens the need for a GSD that facilitates collaboration of softwareengineers in various countries.

One of the successes of the GSD project is supported by the implementation of the Scrum framework. This success requires team members who master Scrum’s main competencies and additional global competencies. To build a maturity model and assessment tool that can be used to improve Scrum competence in GSD, Anita Hidayati, a lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (FASILKOM UI) did a research on it in her dissertation entitled “Development Methods, Maturity Models, and Competency Assessment Tools for the Scrum Team in Global Software. Development“.

According to Anita, the resulting competency formulation method is a mixed-method that combines qualitative and quantitative methods. Each stage involves experts and practitioners from various countries resulting in a list of competencies that is rich in perspectives. Additional output from the preparation method is a list of competencies from the Product Owner, Scrum Master, Development Team roles to implement Scrum in GSD.

“This method results in the competence of the KSA-based GSD Scrum team (knowledge, skills, attitude) which can be developed into learning and training tools. This competency is the material for the preparation of the maturity model,” said Anita.

The GSD Scrum team’s maturity model adopts CMMI 2.0, the Scrum Maturity Model, and the Agile Maturity Model. Each member of the GSD Scrum team must master a practice area according to a specific role. Eachpractice area contains a set of competencies grouped by capability level. The grouping of capability levels uses a standard based on SFIA and e-CF. Practice with capability level mapped to maturity level. One practice area can be at different maturity levels depending on the suitability of its capability level. One maturity level can consist of practice area with different capability level. This maturity model is used as the basis for the preparation of the assessment tool.

Next, an assessment tool is used to measure the maturity level of the GSD Scrum team. The assessment tool is in the form of a questionnaire distributed to several global Scrum companies. Based on the questionnaire, the results of the assessment can be in the form of the maturity level of each team member and a list of competencies that still need to be improved. The results of this assessment show that the achievement of team competency scores in companies that fully implement Scrum is higher than companies that partially implement Scrum. This proves the importance of implementing Scrum in its entirety in the GSD environment to support the achievement of team member competencies. The assessment tool is developed into a Macro VBA Excel application that is ready to be used for self-assessment.

Thanks to this finding, Anita managed to get a doctorate title at the Doctoral Promotion Session held by the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, on Thursday (3/2). The doctoral promotion was led by the Chair of the Session, Prof. Heru Suhartanto, Ph.D., with the Promoter, Prof. Dr. Eko K. Budiardjo, M.Sc. Meanwhile, the Examiner Team for this trial consisted of Ir. Suryana Setiawan M.Sc., Ph.D., Betty Purwandari S.Kom., M.Sc., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Achmad Nizar Hidayanto S.Kom., M.Kom., Prof. Dr. Ir. Engkos Koswara Natakusumah, Bayu Anggorojati, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Dr. Ade Azurat.

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