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Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies and BPBD Socialises Mitigation of Disaster to Banyuwangi Local People.

The Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies (SKSG UI), supported by the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Directorate of Community Service and Empowerment (DPPM), chose Banyuwangi District for a place to do community service program related to disaster mitigation. The team from Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies visited the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuwangi to discuss cooperation related to disaster education and mitigation for the community in Banyuwangi. This meeting was held at the Banyuwangi Regional Disaster Management Agency office located on Jalan Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 71, Penganjuran, Kec. Banyuwangi, Banyuwangi District, East Java.

The head of the Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies community service team, Dr. Hanief, M.Si., said that Banyuwangi is the largest area in East Java as well as an area that has complete disaster potential elements. Acting. Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency Office of Banyuwangi, Ilzam Nuzuli, M.Si confirmed this statement. During the meeting, he explained how Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuwangi protects the community – past and present – and synergizes with partners who can be invited to contribute.

“As you all know, that recent disasters are not only from nature. For example, Covid-19. Disease outbreaks that also spread to social disasters for people throughout Indonesia. However, Banyuwangi is not passive in overcoming this, apart from providing assistance in the form of the formation of the Covid-19 task force, we also have a program to set aside salary money to buy local MSME goods on beautiful days and dates,” said Ilzam Nuzuli in a discussion with Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies, on Thursday (7/28).

In addition to discussions, the Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies meeting with Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuwangi resulted in several collaborations related to disaster mitigation for the Banyuwangi people. The first step is to educate the community on how to cope and what to do when a disaster occurs.

Continuing the next day, Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuwangi and Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies took the first step by conducting disaster education and mitigation counseling for the Genteng community and Bustanul Makmur II Islamic Boarding School. This activity was successfully carried out with 120 participants attending the counseling.

Not stopping with education and mitigation counseling, Universitas Indonesia School of Strategic and Global Studies, Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuwangi and Pondok Pesantren Bustanul Makmur II are determined to bring this disaster mitigation issue to the East Java Provincial level. “This community service is a step towards research that can identify issues in East Java, especially Banyuwangi, so that it can become a ‘Policy Brief‘ as a contribution from academics,” said Dr. Hanief in a meeting with the Regent of Banyuwangi, Ipuk Fiestiandani Azwar Anas.

This received a positive response from Regional Disaster Management Agency of Banyuwangi, which is also designing a ‘Policy Brief‘ and is currently in the review stage with the Banyuwangi community. “We hope that the Universitas Indonesia will continue to establish a relationship with us, so that in the future we can build the nation and country together with Banyuwangi,” said Ilzam Nuzuli.

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