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UI-Japan Government Develop Cooperation on Innovation Transformation & Research Collaboration

The Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Kenji Kanasugi, visited Universitas Indonesia (UI) on Wednesday (1/12), at the 9th Floor Conference Room, University Administration Center Building, UI Depok. The event was attended by representatives from the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, Mr. Takahiro Wakabayashi (Director of Information and Culture), Mr. Kazuhiko Shimizu (Economic Consultant), Mr. Takahashi Yusuke (Chief Secretary), and representatives from UI.

In his speech, UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, welcomed the visit and hoped that it would enhance the cooperation between UI and the Japanese government in the fields of academics, technology, and research. “UI is now moving forward to become an entrepreneurial university, we are directing our research tradition into transformative innovations with strong impacts and benefits for our stakeholders, partners, communities, government, industry, and ourselves as an institution,” Prof. Ari said.

He said that UI partners with 55 Japanese institutions including higher education, research institutions, and companies. There are 97 Memoranda of Understanding and legal cooperation agreements covering joint research, student and staff exchanges, dual degrees, internships, and short course programs. During 2020, UI sent 109 UI students to Japanese universities and received 163 inbound Japanese students to participate in several programs including semester and short programs, competitions and conferences, and others. “Our staff, lecturers and researchers are also involved in various mobility programs, joint research, guest lecture programs, conferences, and so on. We recorded 65 inbound Japanese scholars and 17 outbound UI staff,” Prof. Ari explained.

In response, Mr. Kenji Kanasugi added that Japan’s cooperation with UI in the field of research and education has actually been established for a long time and in the future it is hoped that this cooperation will be able to adapt to future educational needs. “The long-standing cooperative relationship between Japan and Indonesia has brought positive impacts to both countries, especially the cooperation between UI and Japanese universities. Through cooperation in education such as student exchange, research collaboration, and cultural exchange with Indonesia, it is hoped that there will be more in terms of sustainable academic development,” said Mr. Kanasugi.

In line with Mr. Kanasugi’s statement, the Secretary of the University, Dr. Agustin Kusumayanti, M.Sc., Ph.D. in the brief discussion stated that cooperation in the health sector with the Japanese government has been carried out, one of which is through research and innovation of medical devices at UI Hospital. “It is hoped that further cooperation with the Japanese government in the health sector can improve better, especially in the UI environment. This collaboration is expected especially in transforming the health system, so that it can have a positive impact on UI and the Japanese government as cooperation partners,” said Dr. Agustin. Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Research and Innovation drg. Nurtami said that cooperation in health system development between the Japanese government and UI is something that can be done in the future.

The discussion also discussed further cooperation in the fields of technology and health in handling the new Covid variant, the Omicron variant. Please note, the Omicron variant includes a new Covid variant that is more dangerous than the previous variant (Delta). For this reason, health quality improvement and research on Omicron variants need to be developed as early as possible, before the variants spread more widely in Indonesia.

In addition to conducting a visit to the UI Rectorate, the Japanese Embassy through The Nippon Foundation handed over book donations at the Auditorium Building 1 Faculty of Humanities (FHum) UI. The books provided are a selection of “books for understanding Japan” that vary from Japanese culture, history, politics, and more. This book donation is expected to strengthen the cooperation between the Japanese government and the Universitas Indonesia, especially FHum UI in improving the quality of education. During Mr. Kanasugi’s visit to FHum UI, representatives from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Indonesia were also present.

Dean of FHum UI, Dr. Adrianus Laurens Gerung Waworuntu, S.S., M.A., explained that UI’s cooperation with Japan has been established for a long time, especially in terms of developing literary studies. The current cooperation is in the improvement of education together with JICA in the form of the implementation of Japanese Modernization courses at FHum UI which is attended by UI and non-UI students. “We would like to thank the Nippon Foundation for the donation of 134 books on various topics about Japan and three books about Yohei Sasakawa, The Chairman of Nippon Foundation. These books will be available for public use in the library supporting study and research in Indonesia and enhancing understanding between the two countries,” said Dr. Adrianus.

The event ended with a visit from the Embassy of Japan to the Center for Japanese Studies Faculty of Humanities UI. During the visit to the Center, the Embassy of Japan was invited to look directly around the building and meet and greet with FHum UI.

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