A total of 17 Universitas Indonesia students were part of the committee for the 1st G20 Sherpa Meeting which took place on December 7-8, 2021 in Jakarta. The students involved as part of this internship program consisted of 12 students from the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social & Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia (IR FSPS UI), four from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FAS UI), and one from the Faculty of Law, UI (FL UI).
The Sherpa meeting was conducted on a hybrid basis and attended by 38 delegates, consisting of 19 G20 members, 9 invited countries, and 10 international organizations. A total of 23 delegates attended in-person, and the rest virtually. The First G20 Sherpa Level Meeting was the first and opening of the entire series of meetings of the Indonesian G20 Presidency.
In this activity, UI students assisted the Indonesian G20 national committee as assistant liaison officers (LO) of the delegates who attended. They were tasked with accompanying the delegations from the moment they landed in Jakarta, and assisting them in their duties during the meeting.
This student internship activity is a follow-up to the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and UI which was carried out in June 2021. This cooperation includes, among others, the establishment of a study/research/study center for international economic cooperation, the provision of resource persons in the implementation of the Indonesian G20 Presidency, and the implementation of a student internship program at the Sherpa G20 Secretariat office in Indonesia.
Prof. Evi Fitriani as the coordinator of UI resource persons for the G20 Team said that this internship program is expected to bring benefits to both parties working together, both the government and UI. “Experience supporting Indonesia’s activities as a host of international meetings
G20 class and interacting directly with the delegates present provides an important and unique experience for students. This experience not only enriches their learning process as IR FSPS UI students but also shows the involvement of Indonesia’s young generation in the G20,” Evie said.
G20 class and interacting directly with the delegates present provides an important and unique experience for students. This experience not only enriches their learning process as IR FSPS UI students but also shows the involvement of Indonesia’s young generation in the G20,” Evie said.
The 1st G20 Sherpa Meeting will be followed by the First Meeting of Finance Deputies and Central Banks (Finance Track) in Bali on December 9-10, 2021. At both the Sherpa Track and Finance Track meetings, Indonesia conveyed the priority agenda that became the focus of the Sherpa Track.
Indonesia’s G20 Presidency. “I emphasized three of Indonesia’s priorities, namely building a stronger world health architecture, energy transition, and digital transformation,” said Retno Marsudi, Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the First G20 Sherpa Meeting press conference on Tuesday (7/12/2021).
Indonesia’s G20 Presidency. “I emphasized three of Indonesia’s priorities, namely building a stronger world health architecture, energy transition, and digital transformation,” said Retno Marsudi, Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the First G20 Sherpa Meeting press conference on Tuesday (7/12/2021).
In assisting the government to implement the G20 Presidency, UI will establish a Center for International Economic Cooperation Studies that will involve experts from various disciplines, as well as provide facilities and support for research activities, internship and mentorship programs. “The partnership between the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and UI to prepare for the 2022 G20 Presidency is an implementation of the triple helix cooperation model, which is a form of necessity in today’s modern world of education,” said UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro on a different occasion.
The students who participated in this activity were Angela Calista (IR FSPS 2019), Kiara Dwileysia Hamzah (IR FSPS 2019), Angle Caroline (IR FSPS 2019), Rembulan Cahyaning (IR FSPS 2019), Eugenia Marjorie Tambunan (IR FSPS 2019), Samara Angelica Budiman (IR FSPS 2019), Siti Zahra Aqilahanif (IR FSPS 2019), Annaba Tania Puspitasari (Commercial Administration FAS 2019), Christou Imanuel (Faculty of Law 2019), Muhammad Naufal Musri (Master of International Relations FSPS 2020), Revin Muhammad Alsidais (International Relations FSPS 2019), Fraka Dawa Putra Agswenko (International Relations FSPS 2019), Deiandra Azzahra (Commercial Administration FAS 2019), I Putu Satyena Pande (International Relations FSPS 2018), Ahmad Farhan (Fiscal Administration FAS 2018), Wahyu Bagus Segara (International Relations FSPS 2019), and Daniel F. Tampubolon (State Administration Science FAS 2018).