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800 Participants Joined UI Pre-University Program and Will Obtain Credit Earning If Accepted to UI

Universitas Indonesia (UI) launched the Pre-University (Pre-U) program for high school or vocational school students, general participants of undergraduate or graduate program, or high school graduates who are in the waiting period or the gap year who want to continue to the next level. The Pre-U program aimed to lead participants to understand the study program (prodi) that will be chosen later when studying at UI, through the Pre-U Course they take.

The Pre-U program was initiated by the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris, Center for Independent Learning (CIL) of UI, and Directorate of Academic Development and Learning Resources (DPASDP), which was launched in August 2022.

Pre-U program participants can take online courses through UI’s Center For Independent Learning (CIL) and collect their micro-credentials. Registration is opened depending on the course offered, and participants must fulfill 16 weeks or 14 topics. All participants can join the Pre-U program with a note that this program can only be credit-earned at the level of school students such as high school / vocational school and undergraduate graduates.

Pre-U participants who have accumulated their micro-credentials up to a maximum of 3 years can take part in the UI entrance selection to the study program of their interest. When accepted as UI students, they will get recognition for their micro-credentials through the credit earning system or course credit, to then complete the remaining credits of their studies.

Credit earning is credits that become savings for Pre-U program participants so that when they are accepted to study at UI, they do not need to take courses that have been offered at Pre-U. For example, participants take Scientific Writing course of Pre-U from the Faculty of Psychology that is worth of 3 credits,” said Astha. For example, participants take Scientific Writing course of Pre-U from the Faculty of Psychology that is worth of 3 credits,” said Astha. She added that the participant passed the Pre-U and was accepted to study at the Faculty of Psychology of UI through any selection track and because he has taken the course and passed, he does not need to take Scientific Writing course again when he becomes a student of the Faculty of Psychology of UI, and this applies to other Pre-U courses that have been saved. “Pre-U courses offered through CIL UI will continue to grow, so the total credits saved will reach up to 50% of the total credits required for graduation from the study program,” said Astha.

The procedures for taking part in the Pre-U Program University, which are (1) Prospective participants visit the CIL website to view information related to Pre-U registration through the website ; (2) On the CIL website, prospective participants can get information in the form of a list of available courses as Pre-U courses (Pre-U courses begin with the word Pre-U before the course title) ; (3) Prospective participants download and fill out the readiness file to participate in the Pre-U program which are contained in the CIL website header (the letter can only be intended for the Pre-U program); (4) Prospective participants register on the ILISt website by clicking the register button next to the “Download surat penyelenggaraan Pre-U” button; (5) When the prospective participants click the register button, the prospective participants will enter the CIL website Then create an ILISt account with ‘Daftar Sebagai Mahasiswa Non-UI’ button.

The next step is, (6) prospective participants fill in the name, email address, password, name of the University or company (for the name of the university or company, please select _Umum_(Non-Mahasiswa)) and click create account; (7) After creating an account, prospective participants can directly log in with the account that has been created; (8) To register for the Pre-U program, prospective participants need to fill in profile info in advance with the intention of registering as a participant in the Pre-U program; (9) After prospective participants have filled in their profile info, click on the MBKM UI program located on the left, then click on the ‘Pertukaran Mahasiswa’ section to register for the Pre-U Course.

When registering for the Pre-U Course, please upload the Pre-U registration file that has been previously filled in and send the registration file. If the participant has registered as a Pre-U Course participant, CIL UI will provide an account as a Pre-U learning class. For more information about the Pre-U program, please visit the CIL website at the link and Instagram cil @ui.cil.

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