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Meet & Greet Musical Film of Fasilkom UI “Indah Dalam Praduga”

Uluwatu Orchestra of Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) held a limited meet and greet session for the cast and a teaser screening of the musical film Indah Dalam Praduga (IDP) at Faculty Lounge, new building of Fasilkom UI on May 24, 2022. The event also marked the start of the production process of the musical film IDP.

On the same occasion, the event was also attended by Dr. R. Yugo Kartono Isal as a lecturer of Fasilkom UI who is the creator of the soundtrack song of the musical film IDP, actors, singers, directors as well as the representative of OSUI Mahawaditra musician Jekinda Malika M and the representatives of TVUI and UI Teve who seemed to attend the activity.

The IDP meet and greet activity was also filled with a musical performance from Dr. R. Yugo Kartono Isal featuring Raja Oktovin (young lecturer) and continued with a teaser screening. IDP shared that love doesn’t need to be complicated. Unfortunately, this is not the case for Nathan and Tjok Gus who like the same woman, Puan. They have to go through a series of trials, even when Puan has chosen. What made it difficult for Puan to move on from Tjok Gus? IDP explores the inner conflict that Puan experienced during her relationship with Tjok Gus.

While Puan’s inner conflict hasn’t subsided yet, it turns out she is reunited with Nathan, which makes her very sad. Moreover, Nathan’s attitude towards her is that he likes to drag out the relationship, making it difficult to make choices about the future of their relationship. IDP will star Ammar Ash Siddiq (a student of Fasilkom UI), Marahalim Khalifrachmat, and Aya (Secretary to Head of Fasilkom UI) as the lead actors.

“This is something new for me personally. Previously I have never been involved much in terms of self-development (art), and I also advise you all to never be afraid to try new things because when you do it, it will be fun. Hopefully, Fasilkom UI students will not lose the mindset of self-development in other contexts such as sports, art in particular and never hesitate to try something new,” said Ammar Ash Shiddiq who played Nathan in the musical film IDP when asked for information in NGOBRAS TV UI session at Faculty Lounge, new building of Fasilkom UI (24/05).

The event marked the start of IDP Film production process and will be released at the 36th Anniversary of Fasilkom UI in October.

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