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Indonesian National Army General Andika and Prof. Ari Kuncoro Discussed Strengthening UI-TNI Cooperation

The Rector of Universitas Indonesia (UI), along with UI vice chancellors and deans, today met with Indonesian National Army (TNI) Commander Andika Perkasa at TNI general headquarters in Cilangkap, Jakarta. The visit was aimed at discussing new cooperation opportunities between UI and TNI. Previously, in June 2020, UI and the army established a partnership for reliable and qualified army officers. The cooperation was realized through postgraduate lectures at UI.
In November 2021, these two institutions established a good cooperation through Faculty of Medicine of UI and TNI. Thanks to this collaboration, the army soldiers have the opportunity to receive scholarships to study at Faculty of Medicine of UI. At a warm meeting this morning, General Andika hoped that the next cooperation with UI would be the acceleration of TNI doctors through specialist programs. He also mentioned the existence of TNI hospitals spread in several regions, such as in Bandung, Magelang, Surabaya, Jogyakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar. The UI Rector said that in the current era, the concept of penta helix is very important where elements of government, academia, society, and the media are committed to developing knowledge innovation. On this visit, he said, “We come with a fairly complete range of knowledge, from social culture, for example. The threat of a new ideology can be addressed by bringing it to cultural wisdom. We must be able to create counter narrative.” He gave an example that Faculty of Psychology can do social construction. General Andika responded to this by saying that in TNI, a new TNI psychology center was formed, “Which shows our high interest in that field.” Cooperation opportunities are also possible with Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP UI). Dean of FISIP UI Professor Semiaji said that when talking about Indonesian society, an Indonesian approach is needed because the country has such a wide range of cultures. The cooperation allows soldiers who will conduct pre-duty training to first receive debriefing, so that they have knowledge before carrying out territorial duties. “This scientific and conceptual knowledge is utilized. If it is used as primary data, it will be good,” said General Muhammad Andika Perkasa. He hopes that after the meeting, everything discussed will be realized through strengthening institutionalized cooperation between UI and TNI.

The arrival of UI Rector to General TNI Headquarters was accompanied by Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs Professor Abdul Haris, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Logistics Vita Silvira, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Nurtami, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Assets Professor Dedi Priadi, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business Teguh Dartanto, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Professor Heri Hermansyah, Dean of Faculty of Psychology Bagus Takwin, Dean of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Professor Semiarto Aji Purwanto, Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences Bondan Kanumoyoso, Dean of Faculty of Medicine Professor Ari Fahrial Syam, Director of Cooperation Toto Pranoto, and Head of Public Relations Amelita Lucia.

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