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UI Terima Kunjungan Universitas Jember


Tingkatkan Kualitas Mutu Layanan Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, UI Terima Kunjungan Universitas Jember

In order to improve the quality of education and learning services in univeristies, Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from the Universitas Jember (UNEJ), on Monday (21/11). The two universities discussed six points: (1) Quality Assurance, (2) Curriculum and Learning Development, (3) HR Development (educators and teaching staff), (4) Entrepreneurship and Career Development, (5) Global Partnership (International Affairs), and (6) Counseling and Disability.

Head of the Bureau of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure UI Dra. Amelita Lusia, M.Sc. welcomed the visit by introducing the delegations from Universitas Indonesia (UI) who attended the occasion. In her remarks, Amelita talked about students with disabilities at UI. “This year, Universitas Indonesia (UI) accepted persons with disabilities through UTBK SBMPTN (Computer-Based Test (UTBK) for Joint Selection Entrance for Public Universities). The number increases by 2 more people compared to the previous year; which was 33 people (2021) to 35 people (2022). The exam was held at one of the faculties at UI, namely at the Faculty of Computer Sciences (Fasilkom). In addition, within UI environment and the faculties, we have provided various facilities, infrastructure, and assistance for persons with disabilities; both for students and those who visit UI. Meanwhile, the Center for Disability Studies is also available at UI,” said Dra. Amelita.

Meanwhile, Secretary 1 LP3M of Universitas Jember Ns. Tantut Susanto, M. Kep, Sp. Kep. Kom, Ph.D said that this meeting was for benchmarks related to the management of 6 (six) services from the UNEJ delegation who attended. As well as reintroducing Universitas Jember (UNEJ) with the vision to make the university excellent in the development of science, technology, and art with an environmental perspective, business, and agriculture. Together with Tantut Susanto, Head of the Counseling and Disability Service Center Ns. Dini Kurniawati, S. Kep., M. Kep., Sp. Kep. Matt; Quality Assurance Center Member, Ns. Ira Rahmawati S. Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.An; Member of the Center for Human Resource Development, Ns. Eka Afdi Septiyono, M.Kep; Member of Career, Entrepreneurship and Alumni Center, Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana, S.P., M.Sc.; Member of the Center for Curriculum Development, MBKM, Innovation, Learning and Character, Ratih Apri Utami, S.P., M.Sc.; and General Staff and Finance, Diah Ambarwati, SE. were present in the occasion.

On the same occasion, Deputy for Quality Assurance Operations Thia Jasmina, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. delivered her remarks regarding monitoring and evaluation of the development of guidelines for MBKM quality assurance. “At BPMA UI there are 2 (two) development guidelines, namely operational and planning and development, MBKM is one of the new programs coordinated by field 1; there is Center for Independent Learning (CIL) UI. Center for Independent Learning (CIL) of UI is a unit specifically made for curriculum development and has its own implementation guidelines. We are more concerned with quality assurance processes, both monitoring and evaluation; and currently there are no guidelines and are still in the process of discussion.” said Thia. In general, there are 2 (two) Internal Quality Assurance Systems (SPMI) in UI, which are internal and external.

In the internal SPMI (Study Program and Internal Audit for Study Program), it is carried out at the learning level through a monitoring and evaluation system every semester or year based on courses and lecturers. Regarding quality assurance, monitoring and evaluation, alumni, and student mobility; Thia Jasmina said, “Regarding courses, we are currently evaluating the learning process, and the results of this evaluation are given back to the faculty; based on the data we have recapitulated, both in terms of strengths and weaknesses.” In addition to e-learning monitoring, Deputy for Quality Assurance Planning & Development Strategy, Dr. Sri Redatin Retno Pudjiati, M.Sc., Psychologist explained that not all courses are included in evaluation monitoring; in every odd semester the Quality Assurance Planning & Development Strategy Division will ask the faculty to evaluate the learning process from the delivery of learning delivered by the lecturers.

In managing information, data, and strategies related to alumni; Head of Sub-Directorate for Alumni Data Collection and Tracer Study UI, Ade Solihat gave a response “UI has built this data system in a regular basis and integrated online since 2010 at the university level which results in a response rate. However, tracer studies that are still independent are carried out for study program needs related to accreditation. In managing information, data, and strategies related to alumni; Head of Sub-Directorate for Alumni Data Collection and Tracer Study UI, Ade Solihat gave a response “UI has built this data system in a regular basis and integrated online since 2010 at the university level which results in a response rate. However, tracer studies that are still independent are carried out for study programs related to accreditation needs.

In addition, UI HR Director, Prof. Dr.-Ing Amalia Suzianti, S.T., M.Sc., said, “The HR development plan at UI, there is no differentiation, but equal rights in development. In terms of lecturers and capabilities, professionalism, and professional certification we also encourage; such as developing the competence of lecturers in the learning process, so that lecturers can increase their technological capabilities by inviting relevant sources as an effort to facilitate development or lecturers who are seen every year from the needs of each directorate,” said Amalia.

UI International Affairs Office staff, Inez Rahayu also added, saying that collaboration between faculties is very important for communication as a form of coordination regarding student mobility; one of which is a student exchange program by providing guidance to foreign students to adapt within the scope of the university.

Also attending from UI during the visit were the Head of Sub-Directorate for Alumni Data Collection and UI Tracer Study, Ade Solihat; Head of Sub Directorate of Alumni Relations and Potential Alumni Participation, Beny Syaaf Jafar, S.E; Deputy for Quality Assurance Planning & Development Strategy, Dr. Sri Redatin Retno Pudjiati, M.Sc., Psychologist; Outgoing Mobility Staff, International Office UI, Rania Suhha Humairo; and Partnership Staff, International Office UI, Ranie Ismidiana Sary.

Penulis: Giany Allysia Putri|Editor: Mariana

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