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History of UI


Dutch Occupation Period

Nood-universiteit has changed its name to Universiteit van IndonesiĆ« in 1947 and was based in Jakarta. One of several nationalist professors, Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, continued his duty as a lecturer for Universiteit van IndonesiĆ« in Yogyakarta, the nation’s capital.

The Indonesian capital then returned to Jakarta in 1949 after the Dutch recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Universiteit van Indonesia Yogjakarta also moved again to Jakarta.

Universiteit van IndonesiĆ« was later merged into “Universiteit Indonesia” in 1950. This university has a Faculty of Medicine, Law, Letters, and Philosophy in Jakarta, a Faculty of Engineering located in Bandung, a Faculty of Agriculture in Bogor, a Faculty of Dentistry in Surabaya, and a Faculty of Economics in Makassar.

Faculties outside Jakarta then developed into separate universities between 1954-1963. Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta has a campus in Salemba with several faculties: The Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, and Faculty of Engineering.

In subsequent developments, the Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Computer Science, and the Faculty of Nursing were established.

1970 – Now

Modern era

Before Universitas Indonesia campus in Depok was built in 1987, the campus spread to three locations: Salemba, Pegangsaan Timur, and Rawamangun. After the new campus was established on 320 hectares of land in Depok, the Rawamangun campus, which included several faculties, was moved. However, the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, and Postgraduate Programs are still maintained on the Salemba campus.

Not long after 2000, the University of Indonesia became one of several universities with a State Owned Legal Entity status in Indonesia. This change in status brought significant changes to the University of Indonesia, namely greater autonomy in academic development and financial management.

From this historical perspective, Universitas Indonesia has grown progressively into an institution that aims to become a leader in humanity and civilization by balancing academic values, morality, and art. Through these advantages, Universitas Indonesia intends to turn the Indonesian nation into a more prosperous and democratic society, with a focus on peace, justice, and strong environmental values.

In the reform era, the Government considered that UI had sufficient management capabilities to gain greater independence, autonomy, and responsibility in acting as a moral force supporting national development. Based on this, the Government issued PP No. 152/2000, establishing the University of Indonesia as a State Owned Legal Entity (BHMN). However, during the implementation period of UI as BHMN, the Government issued several important policies, such as Law no. 20/2003 concerning the National Education System and PP No. 19/2005 concerning National Education Standards, which in several aspects have not fully supported the smooth running of UI as a BHMN.

In the last ten years, the dynamics of internal and external developments surrounding UI have greatly influenced the ups and downs of UI’s condition. Among them is the ratification by the Government of UU no 12/2012 concerning Higher Education which later became the umbrella for UI’s legal status. According to the Law, BHMN Colleges and BHMN Colleges, which have turned into Higher Education institutions managed by the Government with a Public Service Agency financial management pattern, are designated as Legal Entity Colleges (PTN-BH). The implementation of this Law, in particular article 66 paragraph (2), led to the enactment by the Government of PP Number 75 of 2021 concerning the Statutes of Universitas Indonesia.

UI consists of 14 Faculties, 1 Vocational Program, and 2 Schools (SKSG and SIL). The 14 Faculties are the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Faculty Public Health, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, and Faculty of Computer Science.