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RSUI Inaugurated Integrated Cardiovascular Center Services to Improve Public Health

Universitas Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) inaugurated the opening of Integrated Cardiovascular Center (PKT) health service which treats various heart and blood vessel diseases. PKT RSUI was established with several functions and objectives, including as a media for health promotion, specific protection in the cardiovascular field, early diagnosis, and rehabilitation.

Main Director of RSUI Dr. dr. Astuti Giantini, Sp.PK (K), MPH. hopes that with this PKT RSUI service, the health status of Depok residents and its surroundings can improve. This is because the number of hypertensive patients in Depok is now approaching 50% of all patients. “With quite high numbers from the health statistics of Depok residents, we should facilitate what the residents really need,” said Dr. Astuti.

PKT RSUI which is located on the 3rd floor of RSUI is equipped with several service rooms, such as a cardiovascular rehabilitation room, catheterization room, cardiac poly, non-invasive diagnosis center, and Intensive Cardiology Care Unit (ICCU) room. This general cardiovascular service has actually existed since the beginning of RSUI establishment. In fact, this integrated service was planned before the establishment of RSUI.

Currently, cardiovascular services have been upgraded to become an integrated service center thanks to the support and cooperation with Depok Government and Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS). According to Secretary of UI dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D., the opening of PKT RSUI is a step towards health transformation which the government is intensively pursuing. In the future, RSUI plans to open a cancer service center as well as an aesthetic and wellness center.

The efforts made by RSUI are in line with the health program implemented by the Depok City Government. Assistant of Depok Government and Welfare Drs. Sri Utomo, M.Sc. said the Depok Government was trying to improve the quality of residents’ health through Depok as a Healthy City program. With the synergy of various parties, she hopes this program can be run together.

“I am on behalf of the Mayor of Depok, expressing my appreciation for the establishment of PKT RSUI. We hope that this PKT can provide benefits for the people of Depok and its surroundings, especially to help people who need medical assistance, be it an emergency, treatment services, or other medical treatment, in the best possible way according to procedures and without discrimination,” said Drs. Sri.

PKT RSUI was realized thanks to the support and collaboration of various parties. The inauguration which was held at the Auditorium of RSUI, last Thursday (27/10), was attended by Head of BPJS Depok dr. Elisa Adam, MPH.; Chairman of Supervisory Board RSUI Dr. dr. Fathema Djan Rachmat, MPH.; and a representative of Depok Health Office, dr. Juliandi, M. Kes.

Author: Almas|Editor: Sasa

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