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Four SKSG UI Students Participate in OGFICE Scholarship Program in Japan

Four SKSG UI Students Participate in Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange (OGFICE) Scholarship Program in Japan

Four postgraduate students from Japanese Regional Studies (KWJ), School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia (SKSG UI) successfully passed the selection and took part in a scholarship program in Japan organized by Osaka Gas Foundation of International Cultural Exchange (OGFICE) and Japan Foundation. Those four students are Mutiara Rachmadini Effendi, Beby Xaviera Gunawan, Nidar Lutfiyatur Rohmah, and Mochamad Januar Rizki.

“During lectures, we were studying the Japanese region through literature from various sources. Visiting Japan and staying for about two months is an opportunity for us to see firsthand the condition of Japan that we have studied so far. It can be said that there are various positive policies in Japan that can be absorbed and emulated in Indonesia,” said Mutiara.

While in Japan, Mutiara and her three friends will take part in a series of activities, such as advanced academic Japanese course, scientific research, and introduction to Japanese culture. These activities take place from January 11 to March 8, 2023. In addition, scholarship recipients must also prepare a research design in Japanese to be implemented in the program.

The research topics chosen in this program are Deaf People Welfare Seen from Sign Language Cafes; Japanese Shrinking Population in the Pandemic Era 2020-2021; Passion and Exploitation Among Japanese Young Animators; Implication of Implementation of Halal Restaurant Post-Pandemic.

Deputy Director of SKSG UI Dr. Eva Achjani Zulfa S.H, M.H. positively welcomed students involvement in this program. Dr. Eva fully supports KWJ SKSG UI students to see and be directly involved in the field to gain knowledge that is in accordance with their study program and to introduce SKSG UI to the international community.

“We hope that this program will further increase students’ insight because they directly interact with the object of study, which is Japan. At the same time, this scholarship program (OGFICE) is a good opportunity for students to introduce SKSG UI to other countries,” said Dr. Eva during the farewell ceremony for the OGFICE scholarship recipients at Pusat Studi Jepang Building, Depok, Thursday (5/1).

The farewell ceremony began with an orientation by Head of Japanese Regional Studies Dr. Muhammad Mossadeq Bahri S.S., M.Phil., and accompanied by Dr. Kurniawaty Iskandar S.Sos., M.A., who is a tenured lecturer at KWJ who has participated in overseeing the running of this program since 2008. In his briefing, the two lecturers said that students should make the most of this opportunity to develop their academic abilities. This is because Japan’s relationship with Indonesia has been established for a long time, so there are various aspects of knowledge that can be dug deeper there.

In addition, the students are expected to be able to implement and contribute positively to national development from the knowledge and experience gained while participating in the activities. This program is an opportunity to learn firsthand about the economic, political, social, and cultural aspects of Japan.

Author: Public Relations of SKSG| Editor: Maudisha

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