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Fasilkom UI: The First One in Indonesia Achieving Excellent Title


The Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI) became the first institution to win the Excellent title for the doctoral and master’s levels in computer science from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Informatics and Computer Science (LAM Infokom). This accreditation was achieved based on Decree 006/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/D/XII/2022 and also 132/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/M/XII/2022. This study program accreditation certificate is valid from December 5, 2022 to December 5, 2027.

LAM Infokom is one of 5 Independent Accreditation Institutes (LAM) formed by the government or the community on a recommendation from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) based on a predetermined cluster or branch of knowledge. On December 31, 2021, the Directorate General of Higher Education officially launched the transition from BAN-PT to LAM. In practice, higher education accreditation is carried out by BAN-PT, whereas study program accreditation is conducted by LAM.

Dean of Fasilkom UI Dr. Ir. Petrus Mursanto, M.Sc. said that Fasilkom UI must be a leading institution in developing computer science and information technology in Indonesia. “With the results of the Excellent accreditation of the Master of Computer Science (MIK) and the Doctor of Computer Science (DIK) programs, I hope that students, especially the MIK and DIK study programs, are able to create, develop, and apply science and technology to increase the nation’s competitiveness,” said Dr. Peter.

The MIK study program emphasizes the integration between postgraduate education and research activities so as to produce graduates who are capable of conducting research in the field of computer science as a basis for carrying out education and producing international standard information technology. In addition, the MIK study program is designed to be completed in 3-4 semesters with a study load of 40 credits and has two postgraduate study programs, which are the Master’s Program of Information Technology and Master’s Program of the Computer Science.

In addition, the MIK study program also has several other implementation programs, such as the Bachelor’s-Master’s Fast Track, Double Degree with Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), Developing Countries Partnership Program, and it will open a Master’s scheme through UI GREAT program (UI Degree Scholarship for International student). Further information regarding the admission of prospective students can be accessed on the page

Meanwhile, the DIK study program is designed to produce graduates who have research skills in the field of Computer Science as a continuation of the master’s degree in Computer Science. The DIK study program curriculum is designed and structured in such a way that students get the opportunity to gain extensive knowledge and experience doing research in information and communication technology (ICT) fields such as computer science, information systems, software engineering, and others. The curriculum for the DIK study program is made to be completed in 6 semesters with a study load of 46 credits.

Further explanation regarding the MIK and DIK UI study programs can be accessed on the pages and Information regarding the accreditation status that has been achieved can be accessed on the page

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