According to statistical data from Statistics Indonesia (2020), the elderly population in Indonesia is recorded at 9.92% and is expected to increase by 13% in 2025. For this reason, a solution is needed that does not only rely on services but also on the way these elderly people can be empowered so that they are able to live independently and in prosperity.
One that can be done in responding to this challenge is through lifelong learning. As one of the institutions that play a role in building the nation, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Center for Ageing Studies (CAS) has been involved in implementing lifelong learning by holding Elderly Class since 2013.
This year, CAS UI collaborated with Alzheimer’s Indonesia (ALZI) Depok Chapter to hold an Elderly Class with the topic of Disaster Mitigation for the Elderly, which was held on Wednesday (21/12). Head of CAS UI Dr. Fatmah, SKM., M.Sc. stated that the elderly need to gain knowledge about disaster mitigation. “Elderly people are one of the groups prone to natural disasters. For this reason, the elderly need to be equipped with mitigation knowledge in dealing with natural disasters so as to reduce the risk and impact of disasters,” said Dr. Fatmah.

As one of the speakers, Dr. Fatmah delivered materials on disaster mitigation which were divided into three parts, which are pre-disaster, the emergency stage, and post-disaster. Apart from that, the materials on disasters consisting of natural, industrial, and social disasters were also presented. Through the material provided, the elderly can play a role as a leader in disaster mitigation.
The second speaker, dr. Astrina from Dompet Dhuafa, conveyed about “Lansia SMART”, namely Lansia Sehat, Mandiri, Aktif, Produktif, dan Bermatabat (Healthy, Independent, Active, Productive, and Dignified Elderly).
Executive Secretary of CAS UI Vita Priantina Dewi stated that the elderly must be treated as part of society and have the right to enjoy a quality life, including obtaining optimal educational services. “In the end, it is hoped that the elderly will still be able to contribute to their families and society. Based on CAS UI research (2013), in Indonesia, 80% of the elderly are still active in social life, and around 50% are still working for a living with working hours of 35 hours/week. However, their knowledge and skills to meet the quality of their activities and work still need to be improved. On the other hand, their experience, wisdom, and expertise also need to be passed on to the younger generation,” said Vita.
Before the class started, the 31 elderly participants were invited to exercise together. After that, the activity continued with a prologue about dementia by Ida Fatimah and about the participants’ readiness to take part in the Elderly Class delivered by Maya Maria Dipo. Both of whom were the speakers from ALZI Depok Chapter.
“This Elderly Class is important to spur the realization of the elderly to be prosperous as long as possible and to increase concern for the elderly in the form of lifelong learning or the Elderly Class as well as to enrich knowledge, abilities, skills, and welfare for the elderly in the form of lifelong learning,” said Vita.

Since its establishment on February 12, 2010, CAS UI has contributed to the government in formulating ageing policies and programs. The products include guidelines for policies and programs. CAS UI has also been recognized nationally and internationally.
At the local level, CAS UI collaborates with the National Elderly Commission (before it was disbanded in 2020), the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), as well as several universities in Indonesia. Internationally, CAS UI has collaborated with several institutions, such as the Organization South East Asia Region (WHO SEARO), WHO Indonesia, HelpAge International, Active Ageing Consortium Asia Pacific (ACAP), and University of Oxford (UK).