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“Borderless Poetry”, When Ambassadors Read Poetry with PRWSI


Poetry Reading and Writing Society of Indonesia (PRWSI) this afternoon (Saturday, December 24, 2022) will again recite poetry with the theme “Borderless Poetry” by inviting Indonesian ambassadors who are on duty in several countries, including the Indonesian ambassador in Argentina, Czech, India, Kazakhstan, Cuba, Pakistan and Thailand, and several former ambassadors.

PRWSI is a community of poetry readers and writers, consisting of professors, active and retired lecturers, and Universitas Indonesia (UI) alumni. This community reads poetry via zoom, so its activities are called zoom poetry reading (ZPR) since July 25, 2020. ZPR is routinely held every month on the 3rd or 4th Saturday of the week.

According to Prof. Riri Fitri Sari, the Chairperson of PRWSI, ZPR was originally an activity to give a “tribute” to a Professor and also an Indonesian writer, Prof. Dr. Sapardi Djoko Damono (SDD) who passed away on July 19, 2020. The grim pandemic at that time that restrained physical encounters was helped by communication through online platforms, one of which is zoom. The tribute to the late Prof. Sapardi inspired and gave the motivation to do zoom poetry reading regularly every month.

Ade Solihat, the deputy of PWRSI and the director of “Borderless Poetry” said, reading poetry with this theme can be interpreted as ZPR being able to invite many people without being limited by space and time. In addition, the theme of poetry is universal, it can be about love, loved ones (mother, teacher, child), peace, justice, and others. The poetry that will be read can be the work of the reader or the work of other writers or famous poets.

Dr. Leila Mona Ganiem, the communication expert, said that ZPR is a model for meaningful dialogue to hone creativity, intellect, and morality. People all over the world are connected because of advances in technology, which makes it possible to spread ideas and messages of peace and unity through literary language. By inviting the ambassadors to this session, ZPR shows how poetry can become a style of dialogue as well as diplomacy, including creating branding for Indonesia’s national identity abroad, said Mona, who will lead the event this afternoon.

Indonesian Ambassador to Argentina Niniek Kun Naryatie explained the reasons for participating in this ZPR activity via chat on WhatsApp. She said that poetry is an expression of feeling and soul. “So far, from what I know and have experienced, poetry is only written, kept, or shared. The least thing about it is to read it silently. Yet, it turns out that reading it out loud and listening to poetry is more interesting because we can be immersed in the feelings and expressions of the soul that are the same as the author’s. Reading poetry out loud also trains us to pronounce words with the right emotions. I’m grateful for ZPR and hope that more people will recognize and get benefits from events like this,” he said.

“After PWRSI’s success in the previous poetry reading which was held offline on the stage of Makara Art Center UI, this time the event will be held online with 24 extraordinary performers, including ambassadors. From UI, there will be the chairman of the Council of Professors, the chairman of the Board of Trustees, the chairman of Academic Senate, and the Secretary of UI,” said Amelita Lusia, the Head of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure Bureau UI, a member of PWRSI.

For those who are interested in taking part in and listening to this Zoom Poetry Reading activity, please join at the zoom link: 898 9419 6940 with passcode: poetry. This event can also be accessed live on YouTube.

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