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Faculty of Administrative Sciences

The field of Administrative Sciences is a scientific field that focuses on the development of policy studies, governance, innovation, culture and institutions that do not view private and public organizations as black boxes. In this case, administrative science examines the internal dynamics of both private and public organizations as the main instrument in solving problems of social phenomena and global conditions.


Info Kontak

Gedung Prajudi Atmosudirdjo Lantai 2, FIA UI
Depok, Indonesia 16424

(021) 78849087

Website Fakultas

  • Undergraduate Program (S1) Regular and Parallel
  • Master Program (S2)
  • Double Degree Master Program (S2)
  • Doctoral Program (S3)
  • Pre-University Program

Program Sarjana (S1) Reguler dan Paralel:

Bachelor of Business Administration

Fiscal Administration Undergraduate

State Administration Undergraduate

The Undergraduate Program of the UI Faculty of Administrative Sciences manages three study programs: the State Administration Study Program, the Commerce Administration Study Program, and the Fiscal Administration Study Program. In addition to the regular undergraduate program, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences also provides education for extension and non-regular (parallel) undergraduate programs. For example, in the State Administration Study Program, students will be offered two specializations: regional development and human resources in the public sector. Meanwhile, the Business Administration Study Program offers four disciplines: marketing, finance, human resources, and insurance. Graduates of Administrative Sciences generally work in central and regional government agencies and private companies, according to their respective specializations.

This study program is open to regular undergraduate and parallel undergraduate classes, where the entry path for the regular undergraduate course is through the SNMPTN, SBMPTN, and SIMAK-UI. As for parallel classes through SIMAK-UI and PPKB.

Tuition Fee

Based on the Decree of the Rector of UI No. 406/SK?R/UI/2021

Regular S1 education fees are paid according to the ability of the cost bearer. The payment scheme is called BOP-B (Equitable Education Operational Cost).

BOP-B fee is in the range of IDR 100,000 – IDR 5,000,000. However, as of 2013, there is no entry fee for regular undergraduates. Instead, the government subsidizes the entry fee through the Operational Assistance for State Universities (BOPTN).

UI uses the Single Tuition Fee or UKT as a payment system where students pay the unit fee determined by the study program, and there are no fees charged per credit.

Based on the UI Education Fee Decree in 2022

For regular, Parallel S1 education is fixed. Therefore, the amount of the BOP is IDR 14,000,000 per semester and IDR 25,000,000 for the base fee.

For foreigners, the tuition fee fixes for Parallel S1. Therefore, the amount of the BOP is IDR 27,000,000 per semester and IDR 22,000,000 for the base fee.


Subprogram Magister Ilmu Hukum

Public Administration and Policy

Administration and Taxation Policy

Local Government Studies


Administration and Commerce Policy

Public Policy Analysis

Innovation and Intrapreneurial

Public Sector HR Administration and Policy

Administration of Regional Taxes and Levies

Regional Financial and Asset Administration

Supervision Administration

Regular Base Tutition

Regular Base Tutition Rp. 18.000.000
Regular EOC Rp. 17.500.000

Regular Base Tutition

Specialized Base Tutition Rp. 20.000.000
Specialized Regular EOC Rp. 20.000.000

Program Magister Double Degree

Public Administration and Policy

E-Gov (Special Class)

Base Tuition Rp. 30.000.000
BOP Rp. 30.000.000

Program Doktor Ilmu Administrasi

Objectives of the Doctoral Program in Administrative Sciences:

  • Produce a Doctor of Administration Science who can research and develop administrative science as an interdisciplinary approach.
  • Able to interpret macro government and micro organizational policies in an integrated system thinking system

BTuition Fee

Based on the UI Education Fee Decree in 2022

Tuition fees for S3 (Doctoral) Administrative Sciences consist of a Development Fund (DP), which is paid once at the time the student accepted is Rp. 10,000,000.00.

The Education Operational Cost (BOP) paid every semester is Rp. 15,000,000.00.

Program Pra Universitas

Pre-U is a program for students or high school graduates/equivalents who want to take lectures at FIA UI online.

If you get a minimum grade of B in the course you take, you will get credit savings which can be transferred when you continue to study the Bachelor program at FIA UI.So that your study period becomes faster. The curriculum of the Pre-U program is the same as the curriculum of the FIA UI Undergraduate Program.

Class time on the day

  • Monday – Friday [19.00 – 21.30 WIB];
  • Friday [17.00 – 21.30 WIB] – Saturday [08.00-16.30 WIB]

and adjusted to conditions.

Pre-University Fee: Rp. 1.000.000, -/ credits