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“Virtual Natu-Run” FEB UI Makes Body and Coastal Environment Healthy

Natural Tourism Park (TWA) Angke Kapuk is a mangrove conservation area that applies the concept of education and conservation. The types of fauna that dominate TWA Angke Kapuk area are generally shorebirds, and almost all of them are protected animals. Meanwhile, the types of mangroves developed include api-api (Avicennia marina), mangrove (Rhizophora mucronate, Rhizophora stylosa), mangrove apple (Sonneratia caseolaris), buta-buta (Exocecaris agallocha), Cantinggi (Ceriops sp.), and swamp fern (Acrosticum areum).

In order to support the development of mangrove conservation, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Extension Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) held the event “Virtual Natu-Run 2022: Green Living for Sustainability” with two concepts, which were a virtual run of 5 kilometers and donations for planting mangrove seeds. This activity aims to invite all running participants to be involved in environmental preservation programs.

In this activity, participants must run at least 5 kilometers and use Strava application to record their results. This running activity, which was held in stages from December 25-31, 2022, can be done anywhere. Interestingly, when registering for Virtual Natu-Run 2022, the committee bundled ticket prices with mangrove seeds, so that each participant contributed to donating at least one mangrove seed.

“I hope this activity can encourage students to always maintain their body fitness, increase motivation, and maintain the sustainability of coastal areas,” said Siti Nuryanah, Ph.D. as the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Extension Study Program as well as the supervising lecturer for this activity.

The donations collected were handed over symbolically through the planting of 100 mangrove seeds by students and managers of TWA Angke Kapuk, on Saturday (7/1). Chief Executive of Virtual Natu-Run 2022 Gian Ahmad Rifki, a Management Extension student from the class of 2020, revealed that the mangroves given over to the manager of the TWA Angke Kapuk conservation area are a form of community service to the environment so that the sustainability of coastal areas can be maintained.

“Through this activity, UI students and alumni, as well as the community are expected to be able to maintain physical health by exercising and preserving the environment by contributing to planting mangroves as a legacy for future generations,” said Gian.

Author: Public Relations of FEB UI|Editor: Sasa

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