In welcoming the 100th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence in 2045, the government has committed to realizing a prosperous society with an upper-middle economy. The transformation and development of human resources (HR) is a key factor in realizing this. As one of the main assets in promoting national development, the government also focuses on improving the quality of human resources.
Universitas Indonesia (UI) with the Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS Kesehatan) established cooperation in the field of human resource development for students and alumni and organized BPJS Kesehatan Goes To Campus event. The cooperation agreement was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Assets UI Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA, and Director of Planning, Development, and Risk Management Dr. dr. Mahlil Ruby, M.Kes., on Tuesday (14/12), located in Hall A, FKM UI Building, UI Depok.

In his welcoming speech, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Assets UI Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA, welcomed the visit. “(Human) resources development is one of the challenges for all modern and professional organizations. As a provider of human resources in terms of higher education, UI continuously strives to improve and enhance the quality of undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students as well as the professionals we produce. Through this collaboration, it is hoped that UI and BPJS Kesehatan can provide benefits not only for both parties but also for students, alumni, and the community, as well as can contribute to a better Indonesia,” said Prof. Dedi.
In responding to this, Dr. dr. Mahlil Ruby, M.Kes., said, “We currently need talents with passion and strong character, as well as being innovative. UI is one of the universities that produces many good-quality alumni and is included in the world rankings. We hope that the collaboration between BPJS Kesehatan and UI regarding human resource development can increase motivation for students and alumni to compete healthily and globally, especially in the health sector,” he said.
The event was attended by UI executives, including Director of the Directorate of Graduate Career Development and Alumni Relations UI Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, MSc, PhD; and Director of Directorate of Cooperation Dr. Toto Pranoto; and by BPJS Kesehatan party, including, Deputy Director for the Greater Jakarta Region Bona Evita; Assistant Deputy for Recruitment, Performance, and Talent Asyraf Mursalina; Assistant Deputy of SDMUKP for Greater Jakarta Regional Office Wahyu Kris Budianto; and Head of Depok Branch Elisa Adam.
Author: Giany Allysia Putri|Editor: Mariana